Tuesday, June 21, 2022

 What do soldiers do when they're not actively engaging the enemy? They train. They continually hone their skills to keep them razor sharp. They learn new skills. They are not idle. They stay in shape - physically and mentally  -  alert and ready to engage the enemy at a moment's notice. They post watchmen -  24/7, always looking for any sign of the enemy. They study. They study past battles to learn winning tactics and what to do, as well as what not to do, what works and what doesn't, yet they are open to new ideas, new strategies-  thinking outside the box. They are continually upgrading their weaponry and their surveillance equipment. They look for any advantage they can get over their enemy -  no matter how small. Small preparations can win big battles. 
Yet, in the end, battles and indeed wars come down to one thing -  the soldiers fighting the battle.  Every man's skills and strengths must be identified and used to their fullest, no dead wood, so to speak. Some are brilliant tacticians, while others are skilled marksmen, but everyone is needed to do their part, no matter how small their role may be, all must pull together and do the job they were assigned to do. From the cook to the Captain,  all are vital to a successful conclusion to any conflict. The enlisted men are not there to insure the General is successful-  he is there to ensure they are. All must be in constant training, all must be ready, willing and able to engage the enemy -  alert and capable,  not just the leadership.  

A good leader releases his men to do the job they are assigned to do, and he listens to his soldiers, not just make them listen to him all the time. They may have insights he was blind to. A good leader teaches his followers how to follow by being a follower himself. Follow me as I follow, Paul wrote. In too many churches the people aren't being trained and equipped to engage in spiritual warfare, in how to wield spiritual weapons. They're being taught how to submit to their pastor's or leadership but they have no idea how to make the enemy submit to them. Rather than being taught how to cast out demons, they're being taught how to invite them in. What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what concord has Christ with Belial? Rather than overcoming and defeating the enemy, they're fellowshipping with him! They're feeding and housing him! Christian! These things ought not to be my brethren. Our pastor's may be the most skilled among us, the wisest, most experienced-  but if all we ever do is sit and listen to them talk, and never actively train and engage the enemy ourselves,  we will fall in the day of battle, for our house was built on sand, for we never became doers of the Word, but hearers only. We supported our pastors, we gave the task of doing the Word to them, though standing and speaking alone is not "doing the Word" -  rather than raising up soldiers, pastors raised up spiritual babies, unable to engage the enemy in the day of battle. 
Hence, churches truly need apostolic and prophetic training, teaching and oversight. They must go from being "love boats" to battleships. They must learn how to actively engage the enemy on the local level. They must not be spiritual pushovers that the enemy scoffs at. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...