Monday, June 13, 2022

 Concerning my children  - may they understand and recognize evil -  even when it's accepted by those they love. May they deeply resent evil -  in all it's forms. May it's subtleties and disguises be clearly seen and known. May they not compromise with the spirit of this fallen world, as i have done. May they place Truth above all other relationships. May they allow Truth to crucify the lies they've embraced instead of allowing the lies to crucify the truth in them. May they seek His light, not the spotlight.  May they desire God's light to shine from within them, outwardly, not man's light to shine from without them inwardly, revealing only their outward appearance. May they be willing to and able to rebuke and expose lies, no matter who is speaking them. May they be found to be wise virgins, unspotted from the world, in the day of Your visitation, Lord.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...