Sunday, October 23, 2022

 The Law (of Moses) was given to those who eat from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is God's view of good and evil in excruciating detail. The Christ of God is given to those who eat from the Tree of Life -  for through Christ, all mankind has been invited back into the garden, back into right standing and fellowship with God. Yet so many choose to continue to eat from the wrong tree. One tree appeals to our flesh, is pleasing to the eye, it's fruit delicious.  The other appeals to our higher state of being, our spirits -  it is not attractive to our flesh at all. It's pleasure is derived from long term consumption-  not instant gratification like the other. One brings death to us, the other life. If we choose the right tree we will abide with God forever, walking and talking with Him, in the cool of the evening in the midst of the garden. If we choose the wrong tree it's fruit will rot within us, and we will rot along with it. We are ourselves the fruit of one tree or the other -  and when God will come to eat of us, what will He taste? Rotten fruit fit only to be cast out and burned? Or good fruit, fully pleasing to God, fit to be planted as a seed in His garden, growing forever? 

"As for me and my house (my flesh, my soul, my spirit) we will serve the Lord"  Come taste of the Lord.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...