Saturday, October 29, 2022

 Poverty only exists because evil exists.  There is enough wealth in the world to feed and care for everyone,  and I mean every man, woman and child on earth, yet, many are starving-  living without life's basic necessities-  clean water, plumbing, food and shelter. Poverty exists because in too many hearts a lack of love exists. No one on this earth should live without love - it breaks the heart of the God who said about himself  -  "God is love". 

What the world calls "love" is selfish, carnal,  self- centered. "What's in it for me? It does not suffer long, it is not kind -  it envy's, it vaunts itself,  it puffs up and behaves unseemly.  It seeks it's own, it is easily provoked, it thinks evil of others and rejoices in iniquity. In short, it stinks. 

In God's Kingdom-  no one, absolutely no one, lives without love. All have all they need, food, water, basic necessities,  hugs and kisses and dignity and respect and purpose. No one is left unfilled, according to His perfect will".


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...