Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 Oh God! Let there be light! In the midst of gross darkness covering men's minds, may Your glorious light, of Lord, shine bright. May Your precious people,  whom You died for, whom You gave birth to, whom You love above all else in Your vast, eternal creation-  O God set them free from all the lies and the curses that come from fellowship with Belial. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear -  Expose the enemy -  in all his subtleties-  put a desire, a ravenous hunger in their souls for You! For pure, unadulterated truth, not mixture. May they cry out to you for the purity your blood and your Spirit bring. May your people no longer have their "understanding darkened,  being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart". May they from "henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine,  by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive". Oh God, we believe every word you spoke will come to pass in our day -  and you are speaking still - "speak Lord, for your servants are listening".


Friday, November 25, 2022

 The reason apostles and prophets cannot simply "plug in" to their local church is because pastors, typically,  do not love truth. They do not want to give up or share authority with another. They do not want to be seen as weak or lacking anointing or understanding because they measure themselves with each other -  instead of with Christ. They do not place a premium on truth, as revealed by the Holy Spirit.  Truth is a person -  the person of Jesus Christ  -  and He will always take the lowest seat in the house until we invite him to go higher, until we him the highest seat of honor in our hearts and then in our churches. 

A true apostle or prophet likewise will not presume to take a seat of honor in any church or fellowship but he will take a low seat, in a spirit of humility,  and wait to be invited to a higher seat -  but in 99% of churches this will never happen, indeed, if the pastor sees they are appointed and anointed of God, he will resist them and seek to have them removed from their midst, usually.  Especially when apostles and prophets are "witnesses of the truth" -  they will point out falsehoods when they hear them. They will bring much needed correction  if it will be welcomed but many in leadership do not want it or welcome it. Many will not repent of their pride and arrogance-  their hypocrisy,  until the jail they rule over is shaken to it's very foundation and destroyed-  but better to have the dead religion they call "Christianity" and "Church" destroyed then their soul destroyed forever in hell, which is where they're going if they continue to prevent themselves or their followers from entering in -  they are producing "children of hell" rather than sons and daughters of the most High God. 

Apostles and Prophets are desperately needed in this hour, authority sent from God is needed, and the faith to walk in that authority,  to confront the false authority Satan has set up. They are needed to show us a more excellent way "AND YET I SHOW YOU A MORE EXCELLENT WAY". In our day, confrontation must once again take place.  Just as Jesus, then the apostles, confronted the religious leadership of their day -  so must we today. This clash has been happening throughput the ages, but never more clear, with more profound results than today. It is time we stood up and called God's people "OUT OF DARKNESS AND INTO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT". What a privilege to live in our day! To be chosen by God to "SET AT LIBERTY THEM THAT ARE BRUISED, TO HEAL THE BROKEN HEARTED, TO PREACH DELIVERANCE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND TO ENABLE THE BLIND TO RECOVER THEIR SIGHT" - portions of all the anointings on all the previous generations are being poured out on the last generation! Moses, Elijah, David and Jeremiah-  Samuel and Isaiah, Daniel and on and on -  all present now, here, with us - a whole company of apostles and prophets going forth with Heaven's mandate in their hearts and The Word Himself in their mouths. Join them or be lost forever-  choose courage or fear, Moses or Korah. We will not compromise to please Pharaohs or our flesh. We will not negotiate with "terrorists" -  demonic principalities and powers,  rulers of the darkness of this world. We will not allow spiritual wickedness to remain in "high places" in our hearts or churches any longer. We will stand and face our common foe with this command -  "LET MY PEOPLE GO!"

Thursday, November 17, 2022

 Has true satisfaction eluded you? When you're indoors you long to be outdoors? When you're outside you want to be inside-  or somewhere other than where you are? When you're working you wish you were off, but if you're off too long you wish you were working again.  When it's hot outside you wish it was cold but when it grows cold out you wish you were hot again. When you're alone you wish you had some company but when you have too much company you wish you were alone. Why? Why is total satisfaction so hard to attain? 

I believe we won't truly be content until we're with our God in eternity. Our dissatisfaction here keeps us seeking him, needing him -  pressing into him, daily. Entertainment is designed to keep us happy, content, so we don't feel the need for him. We end up turning our hearts toward pleasures rather than to jim. We substitute wordly pleasures for godly ones. Here's an idea -  sacrifice your flesh on the altar of his will for you, daily. Invite the fire of God to  consume you, to burn all that is unclean and unholy. God loves a good BBQ! 


In Scripture,  ground equates to flesh. If you want your flesh to live forever, flesh blessed and not damned to God's garbage dump, hell, than give it to him now. Let him burn it with the fire of his presence ( our God is an all consuming fire). Either wa, it's gonna burn, with heaven's fire now, or in the lake of fire later. 

Friday, November 11, 2022

 I may have a word to share but is it THE word to share in this moment, in this place? You may have THE word, in which case, I should yield to you, thankful that you're obedient to the Lord. 

A word, a revelation,  may be anointed when it's given- but it may not be when it's repeated - it may have been for those people it was originally shared with, in a particular place at a particular time,  or the Holy Spirit may anoint it again and again. It may be meant to be shared with a generation of people-  some teaching should be repeated and shared again and again,  the key is -  He is the one sharing it, each time.

We must not become dependant on a man, any man - no matter how anointed he is, for revelation and understanding.  We must not forsake our own seeking,  our own hearing what the Lord is speaking.  The temptation inherent in typical "church services" is to only receive from God through the pastor or elders -  they may be more mature for a season, but may not be more anointed, indeed, God has ordained words to bless us all -  from the mouths of babes and sucklings.  He is able to speak through and use the youngest among us, to the oldest. Did He not testify -  "I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh" ? And what happens when His Spirit comes in contact with human flesh? "And your sons and your daughters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions" - you see it? The young and the old, sons and daughters,  ALL FLESH, black, white or purple, male or female,  young or old-  all flesh will be baptized in His Spirit, will be used by him to prophecy and receive dreams and visions. Incidentally,  i love how he says old men will dream dreams. Their lives aren't over, just because they're old! God will still use them -  they can still dream for their future, for the end is the beginning in God. "And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit ". "All flesh" includes no class distinctions -  He does not respect or respond to our status in the eyes of man, rich or poor. God will use them all, bless them all, though,  funny enough, he mentions servants here, the poor -  but says nothing about the rich "BUT WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE DELIVERED".

Friday, November 4, 2022

 I don't want to be famous on earth. I do want to be famous in Heaven. I want my Jesus to be famous on earth for something other than being the One the world's biggest religion is founded on. That does not honor him at all. The Gospel of the Kingdom-  healing the sick, casting out devils, making disciples, saving souls - these things are what i want him to be famous for. For his love, for the reality of his existence-  for his authority and power.  I want his name to be respected and revered. I want to see miracles-  greater than any the Lord himself performed. But when i see them, when i personally perform them -  i want all glory and honour to go to him. I don't want people to be able to even see me through the cloud of glory that surrounds me when i stand to minister. I want them so consumed and caught up in him they don't notice me. I'm the vessel -  he is what gives the vessel honour. The vessel, in and of itself,  is empty and desolate-  though it may look so good on the outside,  without the presence of, the sweet fragrance of,  the anointing of the One who made it -  it avails nothing. If we're not full of him, we're puffed up and full of sin. I really do want my life to be given in sacrifice to the One who sacrificed himself for me.

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...