Monday, December 5, 2022

 Some thoughts about "racism" -

Let's suppose white people decided to get together and celebrate "being white". Ridiculous! They'd immediately be labeled "racist". But if black people celebrate "being black", they're applauded! They're encouraged by certain white people to do that because those same white people fear they'll be called "racist" if they point out it's as ridiculous for black people to recognize and celebrate the color of their skin as it is for white people,  or Asians, or anyone else for that matter. 

Why isn't there a "white history month"? How about a "White Entertainment Television Network"? The point is, if black Americans would like white Americans to completely ignore the color of a person's skin, if they want us all to see one another,  no matter who we are, as the same, equal in every way, then they too should be held to the same standard.  It's a double standard when they're allowed to rejoice in their "blackness" but whites are considered racist if they rejoice in being white.

Personally,  most of the time, unless given a reason to,  i don't pay much attention to a person's skin color. I think many African American brethren in America have been deceived by Satan into constantly being aware of and dwelling on their skin color.  Certainly  actual racism contributes to this. I can't imagine growing up with it but since i moved to Asia I'm much more aware of how different i look from the local populace. I know what it's like to be a minority! As a Christian who is Spirit filled and who walks in the prophetic anointing- i also know what it's like to be in the minority.  But still, even living in Asia-  where literally everyone looks different from me -  i do not walk around consciously aware that I'm white. I do not feel the need to celebrate being white - and yes, i have encountered racism here. I do not feel i should be singled out and recognized in any way because I'm white. But just as i think black Americans should not celebrate being black,  so do i think they should not be denigrated in any way because of it. Racism does exist -  of course it does, but our reaction to it should not be "I'm proud to be black" or " I'm proud to be white" but rather "I'm  not proud in any way for something I haven't achieved-  rather I'm proud of personal accomplishments, and most of all, i boast in the Cross of Christ". I'm proud of my Lord Jesus,  who truly does treat all equally. He is no "respecter of persons" and neither should we be.  

"After this i beheld,  and lo, a great multitude,  which no man can number,  of all nations,  and kindreds, and people,  and tongues,  stood before the Throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; And cried with a loud voice, saying,  Salvation to our God which sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb". 

Certainly no one should be put down or looked down upon because of the color of their skin but neither should they be lifted up for it....we should recognize one another based on what spirit we are of.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...