Friday, December 9, 2022

 Tonight at dinner,  the Lord began to speak to me about the loaves and the fishes. When we give ourselves to Him, when we FULLY release ourselves into His care, He blesses us by breaking us and giving us away to feed others -  the hungry, starving for godly affection and love, love that won't hurt them, abuse or use them, selfishly, but rather sacrificially. He will feed us to the multitudes starving for Him. 

When we lay our lives down voluntarily, they become never-ending - "never-ending stories"! When we freely give what we've freely received (Jesus didn't charge the multitude for the bread and fishes, He could have! By His example,  neither should we ever charge or ask money for what God's given to us for free. I wonder if Judas asked for a few bucks while handing out some fish?) His love, we get more and more and more returned to us, we get an endless supply in return.  Fishes represent lost souls. Jesus told Peter and his brother Andrew "Come ye after Me, and I will make you to become Fishers of men". Jesus took the fishes and gave them away. He used them to feed the multitude.  Pastors, God will use the fishes in your congregation to feed each other! Don't cling to them too tightly! Let Jesus use them to satisfy the thirsty, those hungry to "eat His flesh". In fact, we pastors should make a habit of periodically giving some of our healthiest fish to other pastors we know that need healthy examples to follow in their congregations.  Sometimes even exchange congregations with them for a month. This would become fresh and exciting for all involved.  

Jesus the Greatest Shepherd used fish to feed His flock. I once started a radio ministry called "Youth 4 Truth". The idea was to have young people come on the program each week to reach out to their peers. Each week, local youth groups would come on and share music, teaching and testimonies.  

I was also a children's church pastor once. One evening,  the Holy Spirit told me to anoint certain children in the audience,  I'll never forget it, they in turn laid their hands on the rest of the children present-  a mighty revival broke out that included angelic visitations and children being caught up to the Throne room of God. The point I'm making is that God mightily blesses when we leaders release the people to minister to one another. This is the "body edifying itself in love". Our chief job as pastors is to stay out of God's way. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...