Friday, February 24, 2023

 The next time you go through a trial -  especially a heart-wrenching,  serious one, think about this -  what if The Lord is testing you? What if He's bragging about you to Satan and all the angelic host? 

                     "And The Lord said to Satan,  have you considered My servant Job, 
                                 that there is none like him in the earth?"

What if God is allowing Satan to "sift you as wheat", like he did to Peter, for a time and a season,  because He knows you will never leave Him or forsake Him? 
What if He is proud of you for not doing what Job's wife did -  "curse God and die"? (give her a break, she'd just lost all her children).
What if the end of your trial was worth going through every bit of it?
What if Satan must restore to you seven times what he took from you?

Sometimes,  when Satan is attacking you  -  it's because God is allowing it. No matter what you're going through, keep your heart empty of bitterness  -  keep it turned towards God, not away from Him, and He will stand with you in the midst of the fiery furnace,  or den of lions. You'll get through it, there is an end to it, though you can't see it now.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...