Tuesday, February 28, 2023

For a new church plant -

I have a simple premise -

Now, at first, i will be teaching as a means to set up this premise-  and to help you unlearn much of what you've learned -  especially concerning God's "ways". Jesus said "Iam The Way, The Truth and The Life" but in your typical church service they don't do things his way, they don't seek his truth, and they don't experience his life "neither are your ways my ways, saith The Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways". We need learn from Him -  His ways, of doing everything.  We need to hold all we do and believe up to him and let the Wind drive away the chaff.

So my premise is simple  - 
What if we all got together and everyone of us submitted ourselves to the Holy Spirit? What if we all know each other only after the Spirit - and not the flesh? What if no one was  "in charge" but God and God alone? What if God chose leaders among us, to lead us into this new kind of fellowship,  not to lord it over us, not to make us dependant on them - but to lead us into total dependance on God? What if Jesus' name was the only name we exalted? What if we didn't use titles on a regular basis but went by first names only -  Peter, James, John, etc.? What if we recognized "leadership ministers" by the work they did and fruit they bore, not because they demand everyone call them by a title and submit to them? What if each of us esteemed the others more highly than themselves? What if we had not one pulpit, but all hearts present were God's pulpits? What if each of us sought the others wealth, not our own? What if the rich were treated exactly the same as the poor? Indeed, what if social status, age, gender, race, income bracket,  or any other worldly standard had no place inside our fellowship? What if we saw each other through God's eyes and not our own? What if there were no fleshly divisions or cliques of any kind - but all were loved and accepted equally? What if the Holy Spirit had His way with us - and His will was done, in every service? And leadership's primary responsibility was to keep flesh and the wrong spirit from manifesting? What if the Holy Spirit was allowed to minister from start to finish? And minister "to all, through all"? What if the "spirit of the world" never entered our fellowship? What if Ephesians chapter four was fulfilled in our very lives, before our very eyes? What if we all joined the Holy Spirit and cried out as one "COME LORD JESUS! COME! What if He really came and stood in our midst? (He did this at a Derek Prince meeting once). Could we focus on anyone above Him? Could we allow anyone's flesh to be exalted above His Spirit? Can we love each other the way He loves us? Sacrificially? Can we be the people He's desired to fellowship with since the Garden of Eden?

Many of you are going to have to deal with pride in the coming days. You're proud of yourselves for what you believe -  your proud that you know truth, yet if we possess truth in a spirit of pride we open ourselves up to falsehoods and lies. For some of you, the Truth is going to seem very strange, alien; you re not used to it. I may step on a few toes, burn a few sacred cows but don't get offended  -  hang tough, let the Holy Spirit use me to teach you: you have been taught your fair share of false doctrine,  be it of man or devils, I guarantee. It's time to be rid of them -  but remember-  the pursuit of sound doctrine is secondary  to our pursuit of the person of Jesus, always. What i mean is -  Satan is very happy if we pursue knowledge about God but not God HIMSELF.  He is happy if we seek Him with our minds but not our hearts. He doesn't mind if we know about God but never come to know God "ever learning but never arriving at the truth".

May i leave you with a few more questions to ponder? 
1) If you've done something a certain way all your life, does that mean it's the right way to do it? Could there be a better way? (Example: peeling bananas). 
2) If you've believed something all your life, does that mean it's true? Could you have been taught the wrong thing to believe? Is that possible? Just because your parents or grandparents believed it or did it does that mean you should do it or believe it too? Do you have any idea how many false teachings have been handed down from generation to generation? 
Will you let the Holy Spirit "guide you into all Truth"? 

Let this never be said of us, any more -
"yea, they have chosen their own ways"

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