Tuesday, March 7, 2023

 Another reason to earnestly desire to hear God's voice is that Satan tries to mimic God's voice-  he wants us to believe it is God speaking to us, when it's really Satan. Remember  -  Satan cannot bear good fruit, so what is the fruit of that spiritual voice you're hearing? Do you feel condemnation? The information may be accurate-  but is it producing death to your spirit or life? When Satan tempted Jesus,  the scripture he quoted to him was accurate, but if Jesus had obeyed him, it would have brought death to him -  cutting him off from the destiny prepared for him by his Father.  
Do you feel  guilty or ashamed when that voice talks to you? This isn't how God deals with you. He doesn't respond to sin in your life like this. Our sorrow over our sin is godly when it leads us to repent and renounce our sinful lusts and desires  -  this leads us to the salvation of our souls, which leads us to life. 

"The sorrow of the world works death" because they only sorrow over the results of their sins i.e. the death it brings. They are sorry when their sin is exposed  but continue to embrace it in the secret chambers of their hearts. Satan's voice will also flatter us and try to get us puffed up with pride, especially after victories or seasons of success  in our walk with God.  The Apostles struggled with this, some wanting to lord it over the others.  The Holy Spirit will always keep us humble. He will comfort and encourage us -  but not by promoting pride in US but rather in our Lord Jesus, our Christ.  

"For we dare not make ourselves of the number,  or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves,  and comparing themselves among themselves,  are not wise. " "But he that glorieth,  let him glory in the Lord. For not he that commendeth himself is approved,  but whom the Lord commendeth". 

Satan prompts us to promote ourselves.  He wants us to engage in self-promotion,  judging our success by comparing ourselves with one another (usually those we think are successful are those drawing the biggest crowds -  this has nothing to do with success in God's eyes. We may never know of some of the most successful saints to ever walk the earth till we get to Heaven). 

Remember  -  "promotion comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge; he puts down one, and sets up another " ( how interesting! It comes from "the sides of the North", Where God dwells! Hallelujah!)
Some of the poorest, most down trodden ones, foolish in the eyes of the world (and by many in the "churches") will be highly exalted by God in eternity.  What did they do? They loved in his name. They suffered forvhis name. They died for his name's sake, of whom the world was not worthy. Let us, with Paul, live in this manner - "neither count i my life dear unto myself,  so that i might finish my course with joy, and the ministry,  which i have received of the Lord Jesus"    -   all of us, called by God, have received a ministry from him and all of us -  have the ministry of "testifying of the gospel of the grace of God."  And we are all called to demonstrate the kingdom of Love to this wicked world,  so consumed with themselves.  By so doing we are to make the invisible God visible.  The world does good to show that they are good -  the source of good, the understanding of what is or isn't good, not our God. They are eating still from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  
Remember  -  Satan cannot bear the fruit of the Spirit (neither can he stand it). If the voice you are hearing is at all "loving, joyful,  peaceful,  gentle,  good and full of faith -  if it is meek and full of humility and encourages you to habitual moderation or self-restraint,  it probably isn't Satan or one of his own speaking to you. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...