Monday, April 24, 2023

 How does Jesus recognize those who are His? Those who are truly following Him, not the spirit of this world? He sees the scars. His soldiers are covered in scars -  for they've been attacked,  again and again.  Their footseps are filled with blood, like His were. He sees them bearing their Cross  -  as He did. He sees them crucified on it by the lost and by their own brethren, yet they willingly continue to bear the sins of those crucifying them for the same reason He did -  love. He sees them excommunicated from the thoughts of all mankind,  their names cursed by men, as His is.

Oh God  -  You are my God  -
                and i will ever love You.
Oh God,  You are my God - 
                 and no other god will do.
You are the only God who loves me. 
You are the only God who cares.
You'll always be above me,
                  my heart will always be Yours to share.
Oh God, You are my God -
                  my mind is fixed on Thee  -
Oh God, You are my God,
                   I'll love you through Eternity. 
                   Please keep my heart from failing 
                    to do whatever You please,
                  and step by step You'll lead me
                   in all that is good and holy.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...