Friday, April 21, 2023

 "Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth"

In Yellowstone National Park every single year, people stray off the paths and they die. The paths are clearly marked and they are warned repeatedly  -  when they arrive,  when they check in, in brochures,  numerous signs along the paths - DON'T LEAVE THE PATH! DANGER! Yet, every year, people do -  and they die. The same thing happens in the Grand Canyon.  
In this life  -  we must all heed the warnings the Holy Spirit gives us -  when we stray off the path of Life -  the path of righteousness He puts us on. For if we do, we will die. And yet many do. Every year, many do. Don't be one of the many - be one of the few. Stay in His presence,  don't find a fig leaf to hide behind. 

"You will show me the path of life: in Your presence is fulness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forever more"

Don't do as the many do,
instead be one of the few.
Don't stray where the many stray,
but on God's path remain. 

The road may be lonely. 
The road may be long.
You may be the only
one doing right not wrong,

but in the end it's worth
all the heartache,  all the hurt,
for the pleasures of the Lord -
they last forevermore;
while the pleasures of sin
are very soon ending.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...