Wednesday, April 12, 2023

 One of the primary results of preaching the Gospel is not salvation but damnation.  The Lord knows those who are His. They are predestined to receive salvation through the preaching of the Word. But God doesn't say "preach the Gospel to those I choose for you to speak to" -  no, He says "preach the Gospel to every creature ". "He that believes and is baptized (in the Spirit,  not just water) shall be saved; but he that believes not SHALL BE DAMNED".  See, if everyone hears the Gospel  - then they are without excuse.  If a donkey's tongue will speak God's words but a man refuses to, he is without excuse. If even the rocks cry out when they see the Gospel,  but man refuses to,  he is without excuse.  So remember  -  you who preach the Gospel to every creature,  those who are predestined to damnation  will run from you, hide from you, if they can and many will crucify you, with their thoughts and with their tongues, and some day on crosses again,  perhaps. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...