Saturday, April 8, 2023

 While living in South Korea,  i wrote the following:

  I have a very prophetic path outside the window of my dorm room here at the Daegu English Village.  It looks really good.  I mean, a lot of effort and work went into it. Whoever made it did a fine job. It starts at the foot of a mountain and goes up. It's made of a number of stones -  some cut, some not, BUT, IT GOES NOWHERE! Literally! You start on it, full of hope and excitement about the beauty and wonders you'll encounter as you traverse this amazing new path you've found -  only to find a little ways after starting ends at nothing!

This is a perfect description of religion,  whether Christianity or otherwise -  it looks really good outwardly  -  but it's man made. A lot of effort goes into making the path appear to be the one you should be walking: but stay on it for awhile  and you realize -  it's  getting you nowhere (well, it does lead somewhere. It starts with "H" but it ain't Heaven). As a new Christian, you read The Word and you're filled with awe and wonder.  You think "What an amazing God!" Full of miracles,  signs and wonders! His gifts are incredible! Then you go to church-  just like your told to do.......and you wait. And wait. And you never see or meet the God of the Bible in church. If you question why -  all kinds of excuses are given - "Well, all the incredible,  amazing things God did - they were for the first believers. He quit doing them after that. He doesn't even speak directly to us anymore  -  only through the written word.  All kinds of excuses,  but it's never their fault.  They never admit (or even know, some of them) that THEY'RE ON THE WRONG PATH! Even if millions are on it -  that doesn't mean it's the right path.  "NARROW IS THE WAY, WHICH LEADS TO LIFE, AND FEW THERE BE THAT FIND IT". 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...