Monday, June 19, 2023

 I saw an ice-covered stream.  Here and there  -  there was no ice.  I could see the water flowing under the ice,  in places.  Other places -  frozen solid.  Human hearts are just are just like this.  Some are frozen solid,  impenetrable.  Others are partially frozen  -  very hard to penetrate-  but underneath-  the water of life still flows. It may be just a trickle  -  but there's hope because the ice can thaw! The more Sunlight (light of the Son) it's exposed to  -  the softer it becomes; till one day -  the ice breaks apart and is swept away by the River of Life  -  the mighty presence of God's Spirit  -  a river of love -  flowing in that heart -  broken pieces  - all the little pieces of hate and revenge and bitterness  -  Swept away! Far away,  never to be seen again,  praise God!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...