Wednesday, August 30, 2023

 Listen carefully  -  "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, TO MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR: and so shall we ever be with The Lord".

The Lord showed me recently-  when He said those who believe AND ARE BAPTIZED shall be saved - He was talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit "but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said to me, upon whom you shall see the Spirit descending,  and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizes with the Holy Spirit".

Now  - the Greek word for "spirit" is "pneuma" meaning "wind" or "breath" -  air. So the verse above from 1 Thessalonians says we will meet the Lord IN THE AIR - In The Spirit which is how and where we meet with Him now after we are baptized in the Spirit- When we are baptized into the Holy Spirit we are not only welcoming the Holy Spirit into us but Christ himself, also. Indeed, we cannot seperate them, though each can be received seperately. If we acknowledge Christ with our minds - we must also welcome the Holy Spirit into our hearts - all three parts of our being  must surrender to and welcome all three parts of His being. To say we are "Born Again" while at the same time rejecting the Holy Spirit  is to invite deception into your heart: for either the Spirit of Truth is your heart's lover or the spirit of deception will be. "If therefore the light that is in you be darkness - how great is that darkness!" Many believe they've "seen the light" but the light (the revelations, the understanding) is a false light masquerading as light; it's actually darkness  - for they believe they're "saved" when they're not  - remember Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. How do we know which spirit we've embraced?  

One guides us into truth. One glorifies Jesus - the Word and teaches us our Father's wisdom and His understanding of the Word. One bears the fruit of the Spirit  - We must be baptized into the Holy Spirit,  then, all our lives, we must be, like Jesus, "led of the Spirit".
In this manner, we are ressurected from our old life of sin  - for one cannot live without breath. Just as the flesh is alive only as long as there's breath in it; so are alive spiritually  only as long as there's the breath, the pneuma of God, in us, in our spirits. It says "we which are alive" will meet THEM in the clouds; and the Lord in the air. So then, we who are baptized in the Spirit are already meeting with him, with ourLord Jesus Christ, "in the air" and we are meant to join with each other in "the clouds" - meaning, we are to be as the Old Testament priests who could not stand to minister because of the cloud of glory - signifying the Lord's presence.  We should always be in the Spirit - and therefore led by Him, when we gather together, for clouds float free above the earth, unfettered by gravity, by earth, and so should we be - free of "earth" i.e flesh with it's constant pull on our souls. When we meet each other "in the clouds" The clouds bring shade in the heat of summer, and they bring rain, which men need to survive, so do we bring the "reign" of Christ to those who need it. As well, we bring God's rain, the cleansing, life giving flow of His Word, spoken and written (actually the written word is most powerful when spoken)...

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...