Monday, September 4, 2023

 Should you choose to walk away  - to turn from all God has to say, to turn from the path of Truth  - remember this for the rest of your life:  you can turn back anytime-  you can embrace this love of mine. You can forsake reason to sing my rhyme

If you re to broken to come to me,
if you can't find your way home,
Remember the man by the pool and know  - 
I will come to you.....if you want me to,
like the man of the tombs,
whom i went out of my way for  -
Cry out to me if you can,
fall at my feet if you can't, 
only please understand  -
I see your heart - turning to me,
though your lips may not yet speak,
though you may yet be too weak,
  know this to be true  -
Oh my child, I will come to you,
for it is my will,
to love you still....

I love this fact - Jesus WENT and he SENT. He went to the lost sheep; then he told us to do the same. We must stop inviting them to church - as if we're inviting them to meet God there, as if God still confines himself to a building made with hands. No, WE must go to them  - show them  - that just like Jesus did, God is still going to them  - to meet them where they're at, like the man at the pool and the man at the tombs, and countless others, the woman at the well: all these met Jesus because He went to them.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...