Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Sheryl's very cool testimony

So it's Sunday morning.  Sheryl is about to go to church.  It's raining so she wants to go to a church near her "abode". She hears a voice say "go to (her cousin) Terri's church. Her church is much further away. So she shrugs it off and goes on to the first church, but on the way, she again hears "go to Terri's church". So she does.

After she gets there, a young, newly-wed couple testify about their new house. They are really excited to have their own place  -  but they have, literally,  almost nothing. Just one piece of furniture. No beds. No chairs. No couches. No dressers, lamps. But they're so happy they want to show it off. They invite Terri and Sheryl goes with.

The next morning,  Sheryl goes to work. A co-worker,  an older lady, announces she has a table to give away  -  does anyone need a table? Sheryl tracks her down eventually:  has anyone taken the table? "Someone expressed interest, but no one's taken it". Sheryl explains about the young couple.  The lady says - "would they like a bed too"? Terri volunteers a truck  - and the young couple go to pick up their new, free items; and the lady throws in a box spring and mattress, a dresser, a lamp or two and a night stand! THEN she finds out the young man she's blessing is one of her former students! Is not God super cool?!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...