Saturday, August 5, 2023

 There's the cocoon phase of our spirituality-  then there's the Butterfly phase. 
There is a time for growth. Like the roots of a tree, that will later grow tall  - the growth is hidden  - it's all happening inside the soil, our flesh  - where our heart is. What we were when we entered the cocoon, or when the cocoon was formed around us  -  is not what we are when we emerge, or who we are. We are vastly different, for our former selves could not fly. This flight that we take, this is possible because of the Holy Spirit-  He is the wind within us that our reborn spirit's float upon. He directs our flight path. Ever notice a butterfly's flight path is totally unpredictable? So it is with us, spiritually.  

Cocoon: Inward  -  growth  -  inaction 
Butterfly: Outward manifestation of inward growth  - action!

Satan's desire is to keep us in the cocoon  -  till we rot like the left over Manna  - we must use all God gives us, we must not keep our talents "buried" - hidden, in our cocoon (flesh). Like the veil in the Temple we must tear apart our own FLESH,  (Forever Lusting and Engaging in Sinful Habits) to enter into the spirit realm. Satan wants to abort our butterfly phase, therefore,  BUTTERFLY SAINTS need to guard jealously and fiercely our cocoon saint brethren. There's a time to be taught and a time to teach. A time to receive prophecy and a time to give it. A time to breathe in and a time to breathe out. 

By the way, Satan has a false cocoon for his own, only they emerge as moths...fake butterfly's in other words. Moths are nocturnal,  their wings drape down. Butterfly's are diurnal,  their wings are upright.  False saints are always "down", downward spiral, negative,  led more by the flesh than the Spirit. True saints are "up", usually positive,  floating up, looking up towards Heaven,  tobsee God's face. Yes there are seasons of sorrow...but we don't stay there.

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