Recent studies have now proven that Prolonged Sin Usage (PSU) is extremely detrimental to the soul.
The wall of the soul degrades over time - after years of PSU, making it more and more difficult to repent.
The soul tries to hide from God instead of engaging Him, as He desires. He wants to fellowship with every soul.
Indeed - a new organization has formed - The FWESF, or Fellowship With Every Soul Foundation. Their mandate is to combat the spreading problem of PSU. Said a spokesperson-
"When one is addicted to PSU - the wall of the soul, or it's lining if you will, starts to degrade, making it harder and harder to believe God and walk with Him - in His Spirit, on a daily basis. Prolonged Sin Users tend to avoid God during the week and only meet with Him on Sundays, at church, but because of their PSU, even on Sunday's they stop meeting with Father. They only appear to be meeting with Him, but they're really only meeting with their pastor and fellow seekers, not with God. And because the soul is typically hidden from the view of anyone not walking in the Spirit - no one can tell they're addicted to sin. I suggest PSUser's seek immediate help. We have PSU addiction centre's available - where users can go and get free of their addiction to sin. Eventually, if they stay on the path we put them on and remain committed to the cause of freeing their souls from sin use".
"Are these centres the local churches?"
"Goodness no! I just told you - users use the local church to hide their sin addiction - not expose it so it can be dealt with. The local church typically enables them to appear to be right with God when they're really sin addicts. Some churches may occasionally invite them to come forward and confess their sins - but that's like putting a bandaid on an open wound, besides which, many choose not to go forward. In this respect, churches are like the fig leaves Adam and Eve hid behind. They shouldn't be given the choice to remain in their seats - they should be confronted and forced to deal with their PSU. Occasionally we findca church that will cooperate and become a centre for sin control, but most often they won't, for fear of losing people."
"Better to lose a few people than lose your own soul, i think"
"Exactly! We end up using any facility available to us - often homes if they have a large enough space to meet in"
"Well, thank you for your time today"
"Not a problem. I and my co-workers (angels to you) are being kept quite busy. Though the sin user epidemic is raging - in fact, it's at an all time high; so too has the number of souls seeking an escape from their addiction increased. Again - one of our biggest challenges is the local churches because people are convinced that by attending them, once or twice a week, their addiction will leave them. They get greatly discouraged when it only gets worse. It's a vicious cycle. Weekly, repetitive confession doesn't break bonds. They're taught nothing about spiritual warfare, how to cast down thoughts that rebel against Father's will. They aren't taught how to defeat PSU through PPP (Prolonged Prayer, and Praise) and constantly meditating on the Words of our God. Some are taught knowledge about spiritual warfare but never actually do it."
"Well, again, thank you for the good work you and your co-angels do for us"
"It's our pleasure to serve the Most High - all we want to do is teach people to do the same. Remember, the most low are best known by the Most High"
Studies show that the benefits of quitting PSU are many -
1) Abilitt to fly
2) Ever increasing fellowship with ABBA, instead of running from Him, we run to Him.
3) Much greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
4) Ability to clearly discern Father's voice, as well as false voices disguised as His
5) Ability to do Father's will- we become obedient children, instead of rebellious
Yes - Prolonged Holiness, over time, can rebuild our soul's defenses, and cause us to be in good health, as we're meant to be. Like stopping any habit, it takes awhile but eventually good habits replace bad. Psalm 23:3
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