Monday, September 18, 2023

 My love has wings
 sends my soul soaring
 Frees me to pursue better things
 things above and not below
 Things my love chooses to bestow
My love has wings
so He may come quickly to me
He takes me by the heart
till i can no longer resist
the wonderful bliss
that is His presence 
Till my baser nature 
bows low in submission 
That at the last  - His
at the last  - His
No more my own
but purchased 
by all He gave and gives
till i am fully       His

My love has light
that fills the inner chambers
of my soul
till every crooked way in me, every path
has been exposed
and becomes whole, becomes unbent, till at the last 
I'll be present 
when His heart opens wide
and he invites me inside 
to live forever,  as His bride

My live has all i need
all i desire,  all i seek
My love makes me complete 
lacking nothing  - no good thing 
has He withheld from me
For it gives Him pleasure 
to give me the keys
to His kingdom, 
to His house,
to that which my soul needs:
His wisdom, 
His heart,
that at the last
I no longer desire gifts
but the gift giver
I no longer want things
but the lover of my soul
of whom my heart sings!
No other desire can compete
with the desire to know Him
as He knows me
No longer through a glass darkly 
but face to face  -
I want what Angels and Prophets have longed for  -
His kingdom come fully in me,
because my King dines with me, personally 
What a feast!
What a meal!
For from I, the least,
You do not conceal 
or keep from me
Your kingdom's mysteries  -
most especially 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...