Monday, October 2, 2023

 I particularly enjoy identifying Satan's strategies and pitfalls.  Here's another one   -

Sermons must never become the central aspect of any ministry.  Neither the giving of them nor the receiving of them. Both the giving of sermons and the hearing of sermons must be balanced with works  - with actions. Anyone who believes sermons are the focal point of their ministry need only to look at Jesus himself.  Yes he gave sermons but he went aroused doing good works at least as much if not more. If you believe sermons are the meat of your ministry,  you must also do the works of God  - and i mean miracles  - prophecy,  healings,  signs and wonders as well as feeding and washing the feet of the poor,  welcoming strangers,  caring for widows and the fatherless.  Jesus delivered more people than sermons. His life was a sermon. When questioned by the Pharisees,  Jesus did not point to the sermons he spoke - he pointed to the works he did, the works of the Father.  
Satan delights in having us sit and listen to sermons about Jesus,  week after week, but never becoming Christ to the lost world around us and to each other. So, to summarize   - pastor's and all who stand behind a pulpit each week, must never make that the hallmark of their ministry  - neither should those who sit and listen to them each week make them the hallmark of their faith  "FOR IF ANY BE A HEARER OF THE WORD AND NOT A DOER, HE IS LIKE A MAN BEHOLDING HIS NATURAL FACE IN A GLASS: FOR HE BEHOLDS HIMSELF,  AND STRAIGHTWAY FORGETS WHAT MANNER OF MAN HE WAS. BUT WHOSO LOOKS INTO THE PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY, AND CONTINUES THEREIN, BEING NOT A FORGETFUL HEARER, BUT A DOER OF THE WORK  - THIS MAN SHALL BE BLESSED IN HIS DEED".
I would go so far as to say deeds first, sermons (words) second. I would even say, if i had to choose between the two  - I would choose works, for sermons without works is far worse, by far, than works without sermons.  
Sermons can be appealing to people giving and receiving them because they can originate in the mind  - they can be completely soulish, bypassing the heart, or spirit. Works however,  (miracles), can only originate in God's Spirit  - and from our human spirit totally yielded to Him - till you can't tell us apart. So, instead of the supernatural,  people settle for far less - all the while believing they are pleasing God. Don't be a Greek  - be a Jew, lol.  Apostle Christopher Michael Tripp 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...