Saturday, November 11, 2023

 One of the saddest scriptures in the entire Bible, for it applies to many today,  is John 6:36  -

"But i said unto you, that you also have seen Me, and believe not"

You have seen Me, Presbyterians,  and believe not! You have seen Me, Methodists, and believe not! You have seen Me, Baptists, and believe not! You have seen Me,  Seventh Day Adventists,  and believe not! All of you who have read My Word  -  who have seen the Truth  - who know what is expected of you  - and do it not  - you are unbelievers! It is only those who see me AND believe me that will be saved. Pentecostals,  are you listening? 

"everyone that seeth The Son AND believeth on him, may have everlasting life "

   -  not just believe Him for everlasting life but for His power and anointing to defeat the kingdom of darkness here and now. To destroy the works of the devil NOW! To believe Jesus for the same Spirit that dwelt in Him to dwell in us too! To not just sit but do! 

Why do we sit still? Indeed, why! Why do you believe you are to sit at all your gatherings? Believe Me and you shall live! My baptism is not John's baptism: for I baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire  - so you may do the works I did and greater, so you may go where The Father sends you and say what you hear Him saying.  You are to be just like Me! You know so you may go. You learn so you may discern.  You must not hoard knowledge but give it away. You must not safely guard your lives in your comfortable churches  but give your lives away. Go to the suffering,  lost souls I died for. How dare you keep the abundant life I died to give you to yourself! Lay it down in service to Me or I will take it from you and give it to someone who will use it, for My glory.  No more, saith your Lord, no more! You are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked and yet because you are increased with goods and lack nothing of this world, you believe you are set for the world to come  - You are lazy and know not your true condition.  You believe not on My word.  Repent! Repent now, or perish.


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...