Friday, November 17, 2023

 Once there were two churches 
sitting side by side. 
One was very humble, 
the other was full of pride.
The prideful church 
had lots of people inside. 
Meanwhile,  the humble church 
had just a few coming to abide. 

One day, there came a man
lonely as he could be. 
He was homeless,  he was dirty,
and he was so, so hungry. 
He saw the prideful church, 
with many well-dressed people there
and asked them for a meal
and "do you have a few pounds to spare"?
But all he got in return was "get real"!
And their haughty, hateful stares.

Sp he went across the street
to the wee church of but a few.
They quickly noticed him
and asked "can we help you"?
"Yes" he replied,  somewhat desperately 
"I'm homeless,  without food, shelter or money".
"Oh, you poor man! Come in, here's a meal.
Sleep here at our church 
till your soul begins to heal.
Everything we have is yours. For free."
"Thank you" Jesus replied 
"for taking care of Me."

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...