Tuesday, April 23, 2024

....and yet there is room

Oh precious soul,
    whose strength has failed, 
  Shunned by men, abused, jailed,
carrying about wound upon wound:
At my Lord's table, there is still room!
For the proud and haughty,
   those first bidden to the feast,
  have one by one refused to take their seat.
So don't ever feel you've been 
  rejected by Heaven's groom,
for though many will come, 
  still there is room...
Room for the broken,  the lonely,  the meek,
you are the ones my Father seeks.
Room for the outcasts  - those the world despises,
 to come and take a seat.
And while those who chose not to come will weep,
you my child, poor in this world's affections 
and love, you will forever enjoy my Father's generosity. 

Each empty seat at my Father's table
  represents a soul that was unable 
to overcome their own pride and greed  -
They chose to reject eternal fellowship with me.
Do not be            as they are
says I, the One who bears your scars.
Come to me now  -
     answer "yes" to my bidding 
that I may forever satisfy 
         your soul's deepest longing...
Come!  Come quickly!
      Says the spotless Lamb,
    to the wedding supper of the Eternal "I AM"
Don't make excuses  -
 "I'm not worthy"
 "My garments aren't fit for this feast"
For I will provide robes for the humble and the least.
Do not hesitate  -
Come now, make haste,
For it is my Father's lasting will
that every seat at my table.....be filled

Of the wine and the songs,
   there's plenty to share  -
 Every heart full and content, 
   in my Father's care...
As I look at my bride feasting with me,
I'm rejoicing to know
I'll enjoy your company,
each of you, for eternity....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...