Thursday, April 18, 2024

 Too often upon meeting people our inclination is to invite them to church.  We take them to hear a "specialist"  - a man (or woman) they've never met and don't know at all: we're teaching them to receive their spiritual manna from someone else, instead of gathering it for themselves.  Taking them to church to be fed, to hear the Gospel, is far less preferable than sharing it with them yourself  - around a delicious meal, at a restaurant or best of all, in your home.

Why do we pawn off our responsibilities on to our pastor or elders? Why do we let them do the "work of the ministry" we are called to do? Why indeed!

Jesus himself did not hog the ministry,  the "spiritual spotlight", so to speak. He sent his disciples out two by two, commanding (commissioning) them to do the work of the ministry and preach the message of the Gospel.  He equipped and empowered them to go forth in his name  - he did not tell them to go and invite people to come and meet him  - so he could lay hands on them and heal them, and preach the Gospel to them. Not at all! His disciples were able ministers, who could do all the works he did, AND HE SENT THEM OUT  - telling them to stay in people's homes, wherever they were welcome. They did not bring them to the local synagogue  to be ministered to, no, they carried with them, in and of themselves,  all the authority and power they would need to win souls for Christ, wherever they went. Jesus did not physically go with them, but he was with them (and us) in Spirit (and in Truth).

The Religious spirit puts people down under the guise of loving them and lifting them up. It wants to put them in bondage to flesh, dependant on flesh, rather than free, sovereign beings, who are bound together by love for one another,  not by any fleshly boundaries or constraints  - not by a sense of "you must submit to me" but rather "I choose to receive the blessings Christ has put in you, for my health and well-being, and may you accept my blessings as well". No one is above or below anyone else in God's kingdom but all are one in Christ.  Apostles,  Prophets,  Teachers, Evangelists and pastors are expressions of God's heart for his people  - and are never supposed to replace him in their lives, rather they are to impart Him to them, as their servants,  not lords, as older brothers sharing the wisdom and spiritual wealth they've accumulated. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...