Monday, May 6, 2024

 I really like the title song from the movie "Singing in the Rain". The exuberance and joy he expresses, singing and dancing in the rain, after just one goodnight kiss from his lover, is wonderful. 
Though it's only a movie's ideal of how true love should make us feel, i think it captures what it's like to really be in love. Even after twenty seven years i still get chills running through my body when my wife kisses me a certain way. I still get weak and a bit breathless.
I want to respond to God's love for me that way. I want to be so deeply in love with Him, i don't care what the weather's like outside,  i hardly notice.  Storm or sunshine,  my joy is unabated. I want to be so in love  - I'll dance and sing in public for the great joy inside me. Sing loud, not caring who sees or hears. I love thosr videos of people who start singing  and dancing in the middle of a crowded mall. This is how i want my love for God to be  - very public, very open. I don't want to carry on a clandestine,  secret love affair with him, where I only express my love hor him in private or at a special "service"  for believers who only express their love of God to each other. I remember when I was first born again, less than a week old. I announced to my class at the Brown Institute for radio and television broadcasting in Ft. Lauderdale Florida that I had been born again ( thanks Scott Hollister!) Afterwards,  my instructor pulled me aside privately and told me he too was a Christian.  I had no idea! Nothing he'd ever done or said gave any indication he knew The Lord, and he would not publicly confess Christ before men (and students), only privately.  Perhaps he believed,  as the manner of some is, that his religion is a private matter, not to be discussed publicly.  Well, not I, no sir! I want the whole world to know who the lover of my soul is! I want them too, to know God. Love him ir hate him, they'll know he's real, to me anyway.  I'm not ashamed of him, or my relationship with him, in the slightest. I want to be an open epistle,  read of all men  - not a closed book, only opened and read once a week on Sundays. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...