Wednesday, May 8, 2024

 The story of David and Goliath from the perspective of one of Goliath's brothers:

David and Goliath! David and Goliath! That's all I ever hear! Why isn't it ever Goliath and David? Hmmm? Well, I'm sure you've heard all the propoganda  - about how some pipsqueak named David (not even a soldier!) slew my innocent brother Goliath   - well I'm here to tell you  - Lies! Lies! Lies! You've got it all wrong! My brother never said all those terrible things you think he did  - he simply invited those Israelites to sit down for tea! They thought he said "fight me" but he really said "nice tea"!  Sure, they said, look who's providing the tea, you want to poison us, but David heard "fight me. Our mommy taught us manners! So when that sneaky little pipsqueak acted like he accepted my brother's offer to tea, my brother let his guard down  - did I say sneaky? David approached my brother with no sword or shield! Could my brother tell he had a weapon? I mean really! The nerve of some people! Who fights with a slingshot? That scrawny runt killed my brother before he knew what was happening! Of all the tricky, underhanded tactics! Those conniving Israelites! So learn our lesson  - DON'T EVER INVITE AN ISRAELITE OVER FOR TEA!!!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...