Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 Nameless towns along the railroad 
 full of nameless souls
 Existing to me   only in my prose
  they flick past my vision           gone
 before a thought can fully form
Two birds in a field  flutter and flit
  playing a game of "tag - you're it"
Streams full of energy
 rushing to where they know they're meant to be 
Abandoned railroad ties
  their destinies never realized 
Trees stand forlornly
 hoping that "someone will notice me"
Occasionally we pass a car
  it's Sunday so traffic is sparse
Between the towns  - endless cultivation 
 greenhouses and fields full of vegetation 
And yes  - a festival being set up
  for Koreans love to gather together 
 to play and drink and sup
And another sight abounds  -
  unique Korean cemeteries where the 
  dead are buried in mounds
Every valley has a structure or a path
  Koreans love to get outdoors
to hike, picnic and plant
These words of mine 
  will never be read by anyone butvme  -
still I write them, joyfully 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...