Friday, June 28, 2024

 The Lord's been showing me children are as much sinners as adults are. We really are born with a "sin nature". Children sin at their level  - at what they know is good but refuse to do. Stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar, for example.  Lying about it. Hitting their sibling when they snatch their toy away. Snatching that toy away. Refusing to obey mommy or daddy.  Surely their sins aren't as grievous as some of the sins adults commit  - but they are sins none-the-less.  So I'm questioning the doctrine of "age of accountability", which teaches all children go to Heaven when they die (if they die before they reach the "age of accountability"), which can vary from child to child depending on their personal maturity level. In Jewish culture,  each child is initiated into adulthood  on their 13th birthday  in a ceremony called a "Bar Mitzvah", for boys and a "Bat Mitzvah" for girls. This ceremony is Biblical, but is the idea that children are not accountable for their own sins until they reach an age where they fully understand  the concept of sin and righteousness Biblical? As the Holy Spirit continues to lead me deeper and deeper- into a deeper understanding of God's Word, I must reexamine all I've been taught,  to be sure what I've been taught is of Him. Can parents cover their children in the Blood? Can they use their parental authority to cover their children's sins  - and forgive them before God? If parents are not Christian, and have no concept of the blood covering, of the "blood shed for the remission of sins", what happens to their children when they die? Surely babies are held to a different standard by the Lord! Or are they? Is there Scripture to support this? I can think of just one, but i want to see what my readers think.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...