Sunday, September 29, 2024

 There are many hearts in the world
 that can t be mended
 if left unattended. 

 What do we do?

 Do we keep on having services endlessly where the only hearts we tend to are our own?
 Do we continue to ignore the dregs of society  - the addicts, the outcasts  - those without a home?
Do we continue to have feasts - feeding ourselves alone?

I am at my best when i think of myself less.
 I need a shorter attention span when seeing the faults of my fellow man. 
I need to seek their wealth and not my own -  in this way I'LL become wealthy for I'll reap what I've sown.

The more i bless and don't spurn, the more i get blessed in return. 
 Esteeming more highly my brothers  and esteeming myself less is a life-long test that keeps a heart filled with humility beating in my chest.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...