Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 There are two extremes to avoid in ministry - sharing love without truth and sharing truth without love.

I've seen ministries that are misguided in their attempts to share the love of God. They misunderstand God's love. Out of love, Jesus said "Repent or Perish" - indeed, it was the first message He ever preached. Along with the message, He demonstrated that the Kingdom of God was at hand - He showed them a better way, He didn't just point out their wrong  -  He pointed them to His right - His right way, His right lifestyle,  His right kingdom.  He never loved them without also speaking truth to them. If we merely pat people on the back or give them a meal and a hug  -  or even a roof over their heads, if we give them a shoulder to cry on  - a listening ear, telling them all the while "God loves you" or "God bless you" but we never share the truth with them - that God's love is there for them to deliver them from themselves  - from their own personal sin, then they'll split Hell wide open - because we didn't bring them to the Cross. We told them God loves them just the way they are  - but we didn't tell them God's love is a transforming force:  to change them from sinners to saints, from bastard children to true sons and daughters  - Real love is honest and truthful about our condition.  Real love tells a homosexual  - Repent or perish.  Real love tells an adulterer - Repent or perish.  Real love tells a sinner  - Repent or perish.  This message is the heartbeat of the Gospel.

But  - if we share truth with people without a deep, sincere love for them  - we misrepresent God and the Truth may harm them instead of help them. We must know what spirit we are ministering out of. Now abides in us, in our hearts, Faith, Hope and Love  - but the greatest of these is love. Without love - the truth of the Gospel becomes carnal and fleshly, not spiritual  - it condemns people instead of loving and forgiving them. Without love  - the Truth will not pierce their hearts, only their minds - and it is only with the heart that man can believe and be saved. Love smooths the rough edges of a person's sins - but does not ignore them. Love exposes them and covers them at the same time. Love gives them something better than their sin, something to forsake their sin for. The love of God is worth any price, any treasure  - it's worth giving our lives for! Without Divine Love, people  misinterpret Scripture  - "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"  for example is God urging them not to overreact and kill someone who took your eye, He's demanding fairness, not Get Revenge!  The truth spoken in pride and arrogance will drive people further away from God, not nearer to Him. 

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 My God is for me not against me  My God adores me intensely    He's in love with me  Most assuredly   He won't let me be  thankfull...