Tuesday, October 8, 2024

 I have a game I used to play with my students. They like it partly because they get to get up and move around.  It's called the O/X quiz. It's very simple.  I ask them a question.  Actually,  I tell them a fact  - they must decide  - is it true or false? O is true, X is false - those who believe  it's true must go to the left side of the room - those who believe it's false  - move to the right. Those who get it wrong  must sit down.  Last student standing  is the winner and gets a prize. The funny thing is how easily persuaded they are - they can be so easily convinced that the true answer is false or that the false answer is true. Often, they really don't  know the answer - so they listen to their friends  who also don't know the answer.  And they get it wrong. Often. And when a student does know the correct answer,  the other's won't listen to him, often. 

So, I thought - how like the world! It's just a silly trivia game in my classroom  - all that's at stake is a piece of candy - but what of the Truth according to the Word of God? The truth that can save a man's soul? How often do people listen to anybody who has an opinion,  and is willing to state it - wrong or right? How often do people ignore the ones who do know the Truth  - I mean they actually know the Truth Himself  - Jesus the Christ,  personally  - but they're ignored - while any Tom, Dick or Harry with a Bible and a degree is accepted as speaking Gospel truth. Jesus said what I think is a profound statement  - and a statement anyone who teaches The Bible or purports to be hearing from God must also say - He said,  in John 7:16  - "My doctrine is not Mine, but His that sent Me" - Honestly,  I wish this with all my heart - after years of walking with the Spirit of the Living God - I've learned how to lean on Him - how to hear Him - when it comes to revelation and understanding of God's Word - and I do not ever wish to lean on my own and understanding  - or teach a single sentence  that is not from Him. Am I perfect? God no! But He is - and if I can yield myself to Him  - if I can submit to Him every moment I write or speak on his behalf,  then I will have fulfilled my calling. But I must also be just as submissive  to His Will when I'm not writing or speaking on His behalf.  Amen. 
"If any man do His Will  - he shall know of the doctrine  - whether it be of God, or whether I speak of Myself" What a great example Jesus set for us! One of great humility.  Jesus did not exalt Himself  but chose to exalt The Father ( who sent him). Jesus did the Father's will every day of His life - as should we  - yet, in church after church,  by the people and their leadership  - The Father's Will is ignored  - choosing instead their own will, their own understanding  of what pleases God - which usually is pleasing to them  - yet it's only when we learn to do His will  - in the moment  - that we can understand correct doctrine  - if it's from God or not. Devils and men both love to teach doctrine! But if we do not first learn His ways, and His will, we won't be able to correctly interpret His words. Our words will reveal who is on the throne of our hearts  - as will our actions.  He that speaketh of himself- seeketh his own glory  - Oh how abundant are those who exalt their own names before the people! So and so ministry.  They put their name on the church building  - they put it on the cover of books - people speak of them with pride and exalt them before others. God is often submitted to them not the other way around  - God and His Word are their servants so they can become famous, and live a nice, comfortable life  - and God's glory is nowhere to be found in their churches or their lives  "BUT HE THAT SEEKETH HIS HIS GLORY THAT SENT HIM, THE SAME IS TRUE, AND NO UNRIGHTEOUSNESS IS IN HIM".

Part two soon

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 My God is for me not against me  My God adores me intensely    He's in love with me  Most assuredly   He won't let me be  thankfull...