Friday, October 11, 2024

Part Two

How terrible it is to spend our precious short life seeking glory for ourselves  - not He who sent us! How tragic to seek the honor that comes from men: from flesh! Jesus said "I receive not honor from men" and neither should we! It will poison us  - and tempt us to take pride in ourselves  - when our hearts should continually lift this up to God: we are unworthy servants simply doing as we're told.   "How can you believe,  which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?" He was speaking to leadership but His words resonate today. All who seek honour for themselves are not believers in God or His kingdom!  Who did God honour? The humble and the faithful  - the widow who gave her tiny offering  - yet it was all she had. The Centurion who said merely give the command and my servant will be healed. Peter - who received revelation directly from his Father in Heaven. "Blessed are you Simon bar Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you!" Oh how often are doctrines shared in churches across the land that originated in flesh and blood! Oh how God loves and responds to a humble heart, seeking no glory for themselves  - seeking only to glorify the Father. "If i honour myself,  my honour is nothing: it is my Father that honoureth me - of whom you say He is your God yet you have not known Him but i know Him". This is my testimony and the testimony of all who know and follow Christ- we will stand before the Pharisees of our day - those in leadership who say they're believers but are not - those who belong to the "Synagogue of Satan" - we will testify  - I know the God whom you say you know but do not  - "if I should say, I know Him not - I shall be a liar like unto you  - but I know Him and keep His sayings". And how did they respond to these words the Lord spoke to them? And how will they respond to us when we speak them? "THEN TOOK THEY UP STONES TO CAST AT HIM  - but Jesus hid Himself,  and went out of the Temple,  going through the midst of them, and so passed by". And so, today. Today, they still wish to kill the Lord Jesus, Christ,  and whoever belongs to Him; and today JESUS IS HIDING HIMSELF FROM THEM, and He is leaving their Temples (churches) - passing right through their midst and they don't even know it! 

How often has Jesus passed by them and they didn't recognize Him!  How often has He appeared in their midst in precious men and women of God - sent to speak truth, yet not recognized or heard, but if heard, stones picked up from their stony hearts with murderous intent? For they hate the Truth and all who speak it - and therefore they've committed murder in their hearts - choosing the X instead of the O - because that's what the crowd chose! And I will also say to them - you denominational leaders, and all others who choose pride over humility  - yes, i will say to you - "He that rejects me, and receives not my words, has One that judges him  - for he that rejects me, rejects him that stem me - for i have not spoken of myself  - I have not spoken from my own understanding  -  I have not sought glory and honour for myself  -  but I have spoken of fhe Father which sent me  - He gave me a commandment  - what I should say and what I should speak and what I should do - As God's apostle,  chosen from birth - I humbly say - "whatever i speak, even as The Father says unto me  - so i speak". And how is it possible that I - a man  - can speak (or write) only as i am inspired by The Father to do so? How can I speak only what i hear Him say? As His holy oracle? Because it is HIS WILL! Because Jesus testified I will not leave you comfortless. I will come to you. I will pray to The Father and He will give you another Comforter - that He may abide with you forever  - even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive  - because it seeketh Him not, neither knoweth Him, but YOU KNOW HIM! Hallelujah! FOR HE DWELLETH WITH YOU AND SHALL BE IN YOU!
Part three coming soon...

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 My God is for me not against me  My God adores me intensely    He's in love with me  Most assuredly   He won't let me be  thankfull...