Monday, October 14, 2024

Part three

Oh it cannot be understated how important the Holy Spirit is to our walk with God  - for he is the Spirit of Truth and our only source for truth in this world  - but all who receive Him I will in no wise cast out - saith The Lord, for they shall know Me and shall be My witnesses even unto the end of the ages  - they shall be My heralds of a new dawn that will glorify My Father as never before! Their light shall shine forever and darkness will not overcome them. They are My Father's testimony and they are Mine and I will never leave them or forsake them -  by My Spirit, saith The Lord - they shall know the truth and the truth shall set them - and all who receive them  - forever free. Howbeit when He  - the Spirit of Truth is come -  He will guide you into all TRUTH  -  for He shall not speak of Himself - but whatsoever He shall hear - that shall He speak  - and He will show you things to come.

See! Even the Holy Spirit does not speak of Himself  - does not seek glory for Himself  - See! It is by His Spirit abiding in me - and I abiding in Him - that I can write as I've done, these last 33 years  - and speak what I have spoken - to hundreds of people around the world  - it is by HIS SPIRIT  that I am even writing at this moment  - and thank God He is too stubborn to let go of me.

Ok  - at the exact moment i wrote that last word - a huge moth flew past me as I sat at my desk at the English Village i worked at in South Korea, so i grabbed a cup, trying to cstch him, so i could set him free, but he was flitting about too wildly - I couldn't catch him so I said "Be still in Jesus' name!" and immediately he stopped flitting about and landed on the floor - as still as can be. I took my paper cup and covered him, then i slid a piece of paper over the top - he's going crazy, he thinks his death is imminent,  but i took him to a window, opened it wide, and set him free. He flew right back into my room! This time flying even crazier than before! Wildly flitting about- so again i said - Please be still in Jesus' name! I'm trying to save you! Again he immediately calmed down, lands on my bed, completely still  - again I caught him and set him free.

Moths are attracted to light, I'm told. I think this incident is a prophecy  - I think God is saying to all who are " attracted to the Light" of this world, to all who are drawn to Him  - let Me capture you - let Me capture your heart  - don't struggle so hard against the yoke I put on you - it's only for your good  - and when I release you back into the darkness  -  go, My child, for the light you now carry within you  - the witness of ME - is desperately needed in the thick darkness that covers the hearts of men throughout this world - Go  - for I go with you  - take heed to My ways and My words and I will fill your mouth with them and I will use you to glorify Me and by doing so - you will receive the honor that comes from Me alone. Do not fear the darkness  - though the darkness fears you  - love them until the end: though tgey seek to kill you and extinguish the light as they did me  - forgive them for your Father has forgiven you your trespasses; and I will be with you even unto the ends of the earth, My disciples,  whom I love dearly and sincerely. 

A second moth was on the screen and he too was set free - sent into the darkness  - to bring others to the light.

We must go  - we must pierce the darkness  - we must continue to gather around the Light - going without to bring others within. Love won another.

Apostle Christopher Michael Tripp 

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 My God is for me not against me  My God adores me intensely    He's in love with me  Most assuredly   He won't let me be  thankfull...