Friday, November 29, 2024

Oh My people  - do not regret the Cross  - do not regret what you've lost  - in material wealth  -  in friendship with the world  - in joy, in sorrow, for all that you do, all that you go through,  is worth every tear  -  just to have Me near.

I am your reward and your inheritance  - and you are My portion,  like the Levites, you shall ever stand before Me  - ministering to Me with the love you carry in your hearts for Me.

Perfection is found when you gaze upon Me, without blinking  - I complete you  - I will finish the good work I've begun that is you  - I will not fall short in any task necessary to restore your soul  - I will not rest till you've been made whole  - a worthy Bride to dwell at My side  - ruling and reigning with Me for all eternity. 

You please Me, My child. Do not let doubt and fear rob you of the joy of having Me near. Live for Me for I died for you  - but oh what I've gained through My death and ressurection! I've gained you! And this pleases Me no end! I'LL never stop loving you,  frail one. Be strong in Me, in My power and might, for I am strong in you  - in your weakness   - Do not despise or regret the process  - all that is not of Me must decay  - must die, so let Me kill it in you now, (so) that you will not join the decaying ones later  - let the dead bury their dead, in the grave of uncertainty and doubt and unbelief,  but you  - precious one  - you rise up with eagle's wings to observe your God in all His majesty  - And your breath shall return  to Me, along with your soul  - when you breathe out your last breath in the flesh, you'll breathe in your first breath in Heaven  - yes! Just that quick! In the twinkling of an eye  - you'll put off mortality  and put on immortality...

Can you see it? Can you taste it? Follow the fragrance of My Presence  - if you smell Me not - do not receive for there are many who claim to be of Me but are of the synagogue of Satan - honoring him while despising My presence.  Come away My beloved,  come away with Me. Come to the wilderness where we can know intimacy.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...