Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Yes there's One who cares for He said
I know how many hairs are on youŕ head,
And I notice when a sparrow 
falls to the ground and dies
and I've counted every tear
thatsfallen from your eyes,
for you're much more worthy than birds
to receive My love, of which you've heard,
though you may feel as if I'm not near,
know that unlike men, My love is sincere
and My desire is to bring you here
where I am , in eternity,
to the place that I've prepared for 
The Paradise where I've always desired you to be....
And join Me you will  -
For nothing on earth, or below, 
or in the Heaven's above  
can take you from Me, My love.
Who can defeat My plans for for you?
What darkness can overcome what is true?
Who is mightier than I?
Who can destroy the apple of My eye?
Oh fear not, for your life is in My hands!
I will not deviate from My plans!
Relax and be at peace -
In My holiness,  in My Spirit, you'll be released
to do My will, not your own,
In this way, you'll succeed  - 
for it is My Will that you be free
to dwell forever with Me...
On My throne.... 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...