Tuesday, December 17, 2024

   The more time you spend with the Holy Spirit- the more mature you'll become.  One aspect of maturity is a willingness to question literally everything you've been taught and believe. Questioning in and of itself is fine if the goal is to arrive at the truth.  We do not question out of a place of doubt and unbelief  - with an argumentative spirit, no, we do it out of a desire and love for the truth. So, as you grow, you should periodically take what you're receiving from people and check it with Him  - ideally,  you should be filtering all you're taught through Him anyway   - this way you can "check it at the door" before it gets inside you  - but, there are times things we're taught when we're really young by people we trust, that are wrong. Ideally,  everyone should arrive at a place they're taught by the Holy Spirit personally  - but, just as we should run everything men teach us by the Lord - we should also run what we hear the Holy Spirit is telling us by men - men (or women) put in our lives by God for just that purpose  - to help us guard against error and deception. The problem  for the vast majority of people in religious churches is that their leadership are not hearing from God, nor are they obeying Him, so if a believer begins to commune with God personally,  through His Holy Spirit, he begins to share truth with them, often truth that the leadership has rejected as deception. 

Now the young believer is confused. Sure they heard from God  - but they're told "no, you didn't". Religious churches believe God no longer reveals and speaks to people by His Spirit,  only through His written word, which they learn from men.
So, follow the Lord, or their leadership? Sadly, most often, the young believer obeys their ungodly leadership,  learning that the voice of the Lord they heard is really the enemy. That's right! Many denominations believe Satan speaks today, tempting us and decieving us, but God doesn't speak and reveal truth. Which, by the way is the primary ministry of the Holy Spirit "to lead us and guide us into ALL truth". 

Peer pressure  too is often brought to bear - how dare you question the pastor? You're so young! He knows what he's talking about! He went to Bible college! Anytime someone's teaching cannot be questioned  - it's a sign you should get out. Maturity brings a willingness to let go of deception  - so we may grab hold of the truth - we can only cling to one or the other. 

Sometimes our beliefs aren't wrong, per se, just immature.  Some things that are perfectly acceptable for a baby are not tolerated in a ten year old. As we grow in Christ the path we're on becomes narrower and steeper. As our understanding deepens so do our doctrines.  There are churches,  indeed entire denominations,  drinking only milk, or worse, they're full of still borns. Remember the writer of Hebrews lament? By now you should be eating meat but you're still drinking milk! If you aren't a baby and you start going to a church full of babies, or still borns, you'll quickly grow tired of milk and long for more. 

Peer pre

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