Friday, December 20, 2024

 Many teach today that they are essential to your walk with The Lord  - that The Lord cannot or will not raise you apart from them. They teach that man (men) are essential to your maturing process, that if you aren't submitted to them  - you can't possibly mature and fulfill God's purpose and plan for your life. In this way, they keep millions of people in bondage to their will - not God's. They use "submission" as an excuse to amass followers who must submit your will to them - no matter what God tells the believer, they, the leadership, have the final word  - in essence,  they become gods to the people.  They teach that the true test of humility (to them) is if you are willing to obey them rather than God  - and do it with a good attitude! Be reasonable,  they'll tell you:  God would never tell you something they'll disagree with because He put them over you! Why? Because they have far greater wisdom and experience than you. In God's heart - it would be a joy to submit to His kind of leadership because their heart would be for you to become so strong in your walk with God you don't need Him anymore.  They'll serve you, not Lord it over you - yes, hear me now, yes, there will be times when you thought you've heard from God - but you haven't.  You should then humbly receive leadership's council, knowing from experience they have your best interests at heart - not their own. They are godly, real shepherds  - not hirelings. At other times - leadership will be dead set opposed to God's will, or words for you. 

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...