Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Part Two


Another aspect of His glory we must wholeheartedly embrace is His Holiness  -  He is completely without sin. He is without spot or blemish  - and so shall we be - faultless  - as long as we're in His presence,  He covers us with His own glory. Like a mother who changes her child's diaper and bathes them daily, cleansing them of the filth of the world and their own flesh - so does our Father cleanse us. See Jesus washing His disciples feet - see our God personally cleansing us daily - and encouraging us to cleanse one another, not point out each other's dirt. We must all become like that little child that submits to his mom's loving, cleansing hands, in order to enter Heaven. We must let Him touch us, for His touch is gentle  - we must let Him cleanse us, deep inside,  clean up the mess, the filth that accumulates there - tarnishing the glorious creation each soul is - turning us into someone He never meant for us to be. We must become the people He desires - embracing the simple and tender love He shows us - and then we must invite others - all those homeless, spiritual street urchins wandering the streets of Babylon without a father or a mother to care for them, filthy beyond recognition. We must take them in, showering them with the Father's love, as Jesus did, for in His presence alone can they be made healthy and whole, clean and faultless,  blameless and acceptable to their Father who is in Heaven, hallowed be His name.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...