Saturday, January 4, 2025

 We all, from henceforth and forever,  will with one mind (the mind of Christ), seek together to find out what is acceptable and pleasing to The Lord. Scripture provides an outline, broad brush strokes as to what pleases Him but specific details within each gathering must be revealed by Him in the moment.  We are His canvas, we must allow Him to sketch whatever He pleases in each meeting.  We must prove what is specifically acceptable to The Lord (Eph:5:10) each time we gather and by so doing we must disapprove of what He does not accept  -  we must no longer have fellowship with, allow into our midst, the "unfruitful works of darkness" that many churches are full of today - religious rituals and endless ceremonies,  traditions of men and doctrines of devils that are the "fruits of darkness" not light, for the light of His presence in their midst, showing them the way forward, is missing. 

What is acceptable to God? "Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost". Religion seeks righteousness apart from God, without the Holy Spirit's presence in them and in their midst. As a result,  they end up with an endless series of do's and don t's, right doctrines and wrong, all meant to prove they're "right", with God and each other - and all are as filthy rags, unacceptable to Him - because it's all done apart from Him - the Holy Spirit,  who alone can imbue us with the living presence of THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. 

They also seek peace, with God and with each other, apart from the Holy Ghost.  Impossible! Why are denominations so divided? Because they are not of Him - His Spirit - who alone can bring to pass the unity Jesus cried out to The Father for  - only when we are one in spirit, His Spirit, each submitted to Him, will we achieve perfect unity - the "UNITY OF THE FAITH AND OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SON OF GOD, UNTO A PERFECT MAN, UNTO THE MEASURE OF THE STATURE OF THE FULNESS OF CHRIST". 
And so, finally,  at the last Trump, they'll lack joy, true, everlasting Joy, for there is an order here - without peace with God we cannot know joy, and without righteousness we cannot know peace and without truly repening of the unfruitful works of darkness (sins) we cannot know righteousness.  Without the Holy Spirit  - the key ingredient to a life pleasing and acceptable to the Father will forever be missing  - that is to say, Holiness. His Spirit is known first and foremost as "Holy" for good reason  - without Him, we can never be holt, for we have none of our own: Just as Jesus imparts His Righteousness to us, so too does the Holy Spirit impart the Father's holiness to us.

Apostle Chris

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...