Thursday, February 20, 2025

 Our primary responsibility as "leadership" is not to be the source of truth in people's lives, but to lead them to the One who is the source of all truth. When people fellowship with us  - they should be in fellowship with Him simultaneously.  We want them to hear Him  - not depend on us to hear Him. We want them to learn what His voice sounds like when they hear our voice.  We want them to know Him - to depend on Him  - not us. Our ministry is to encourage,  edify and nourish,  and yes, rebuke when necessary  - but all done in love for them, not ourselves.  We do not need man-structured Christianity any longer, we need Holy Spirit designed and built Christianity,  where the focus is where it should be  - on Jesus and the Father. We do need one another  - to keep us balanced  - and to help us back up when we fall, to bear our burdens with us and guard each other in prayer from the enemy's attacks and to share revelations we get from Him - both to edify one another and to safeguard each other from false revelation (even the very elect).

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...