Sunday, November 29, 2009

Break me and make me Your own
Call me to worship before Your Throne
Embrace me and hold me close
This one thing I’m beginning to know –
My God You are in love with me
It’s with me that You desire to be
and nothing in Heaven
nothing in Earth can come between us
You will never leave me
You will never deceive me
You will never forsake me
O Your Love, Your Love will take me
From here to Eternity
To forever be with Thee
This is my Destiny this I see
O God - You are in love with me!

When You draw near You banish all fear
You hold me close , You don’t let go
And I am beginning to see I am beginning to know
O God You are passionately, deeply, in love with me
Hallelujah! Oh!
All men have rejected You - You have rejected no one
It is not Your Will that any should perish
The fellowship of all mankind You cherish
You have resisted no one - all are welcome in
No one was left out when You died from all sin
You’ve embraced us - with Truth You’ve Graced us
And I’m beginning to realize deep inside
You are madly in love with me Your Bride
For You I sigh….

2 Pet:3:9

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...