Friday, November 27, 2009

Oh it’s such a sweet contradiction
hesitant, undeniably lovely composition
that when we’re born we must die
that we must die to be born
It’s such a sacred rendition
As we dance through life
To the leading of Your Spirit
From our minds unclean thoughts are shorn
Oh to be born to be reborn
Not from the Will or seed of man
but from the Will and Love and Passion and Hand
and Heart of The Spirit of God above
Behold, oh behold the Love of God
That we should be called His Sons!
The blue print, the plan
The finger prints of God
Found within man

Can we fulfil the dreams of God?
Can we give Him the desires of His heart?
Can we love Him as He loves us?
Can we open our hearts and Trust?

Our life is not our own
We’ve been bought with a great price
even the very blood
even the very life

of God


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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...