Friday, November 27, 2009

Sometimes a doctor must rebreak a bone that did not heal properly in order to reset it the right way. Sometimes a shepherd will break his lamb’s leg in order to keep it from habitually straying into danger, away from his safe pasture. So must The Lord do with our hearts, with my heart – rebreak it to remake it right. Oh how it hurts but the pain is far less than it would be if we continue in life with a heart that isn’t right In His sight.
Rebreak my heart, Lord, rebreak my heart
Forsake not a brand new start
Let me be broken again and again
Till I can fight no more the Love that You send
Till I resist no more my God, my friend
Who mends
I’ve been “acting the goat”
I’ve been so full of Pride
I’m blind without even knowing
I could not see clearly me
I’ve been quick to offend, slow to repent
Often doing the opposite of the Love that You sent
Till my heart is rent, till my flesh is shaken
I can’t rise out of this grave of my makin’

Thank God You are the Resurrection then the Life
So keep me on the operating table under Your surgeon’s knife
Until You’ve completely removed
My pre-eminence over You

PS: "Acting the Goat" is an Irish expression for acting like a fool. I recently spent almost four years in Ireland as a missionary with my wife Sheryl and our daughters Tiffany and Karianna. What an experience that was!

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