Sunday, October 17, 2010

What wouldn’t Jesus do to save you?
Where wouldn’t Jesus go
to rescue you and bring you home?
He’s already gone to Hell and back
Do you think He can’t reach you where you’re at?
Is there anything He wouldn’t try?
To save your soul and make you wise?
Is there anything He wouldn’t give?
That forever with Him you may live?
The answer my friend
is blowin’ in the wind,
the Wind of His Spirit,
refreshing you again –

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t give
nowhere I won’t go
I gave all I had to give
So you could come to know



Really, He’s given us all we need, including the very Faith to believe! If you have trouble believing, just ask Him “Lord, help thou my unbelief”. The Scriptures are clear, He has given every man a “measure of faith”, so none are without excuse!

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...