Monday, November 22, 2010

Prophetic utterance continued:

“I see angels going forth tonight, angels that have been reserved by the Father for this moment . I see angels that have never been released, they’ve been waiting! They’ve looked and they’ve seen and they’ve said let us go! Let us go! And the Father said no! Not yet. Until tonight. These are special angels, there’s something special about them, there’s an assignment they have that’s unique, there’s something about these angels that’s unique, ah! And they’re going tonight! They’ve been waiting, ha! Oh, one of them is covered in gold, there’s golden angels full of gold. Can we dance in a circle holding the mantle? Just dance in a circle.
We’re stirring up the anointing! It’s not just stagnant, it’s a moving anointing, it’s a moving mantle. It’s billowing with the wind of the Spirit. It’s magnificent! It does not sit still. This is a flowing mantle, a going mantle and a knowing mantle! Father! Thank you Father! Yes! Yes! Movement! Always movement Father! Oh there’s movement! The Lord says tonight, I’ve called you to be still but the anointing in you will not be still oh! It will flow and go! Even as you be still and know Me the anointing will flow, Ha! Just because you’re still doesn’t mean the anointing will be still, it’s not stagnant, ah hallelujah, the wind of the Spirit is billowing the mantle! Thank You Father! Oh Father, oh Lord, Yes! Yes! Hallelujah! Glory to You tonight!”

“Ah, oh! I just see the anointing, I see the mantle of Elijah and he said to Elisha, if you see the mantle, if you see it, you will receive the double portion. And tonight oh we have seen it, hallelujah! So tonight we receive the double portion oh Father for the double portion is not for us but it’s for Your people oh Lord. Oh not for us but for Your people. Father we’ll take the double portion to break the strong yoke here. Oh it will take a double portion anointing to break the yoke on this nation. Thank You Father. But we will bear it Father, oh we will bear it Father before You. We will, we will remain, Father. Oh we will remain. Oh we will not, we will not lay this down, Father, oh no, oh no. We will stand. We will see Your purposes come to pass. Oh Father. Oh Father. It’s for Your son, oh Father. It’s not good for Him to be alone. Oh thank You Father. Oh Father. And it wasn’t until You breathed into her that she became alive and we cannot live unless You breathe upon us, unless Your breath is in us, unless You Holy Spirit are our breath, You are our breath, Holy Spirit. We cannot live, we cannot live without You. We must have You, Holy Spirit, we must breathe You in and out every day, Holy Spirit, we cannot abide without You, we cannot live without You! Holy Spirit we honour You tonight. We give honour to You. We are so grateful that You obeyed Your Father and came and You remain and You see it all, You see all of the sin, You see it all, You know it all and out of Love You stay. You remain. And let us be ones who breathe You in, breathe You out again on this fallen world, Lord. On Your Bride, on Your people, she cannot live without You, she must have You. She must. Just as we can’t live without breath, we cannot remain with You forever without You, Holy Spirit. Oh Holy Spirit! We honour You tonight. We thank You for remaining. We thank You for remaining here. Even Jesus got to go back to the Father, that’s where You long to be. You long to return to the Father. You long for Him but You remain, to teach us and lead us to the Father. You want us to go with You, You want us to go with You. Holy Spirit we love You tonight. Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit. Oh! Your bride is trying to breathe without You. Oh that’s why You said let the dead bury their dead. Oh without You Holy Spirit, they’re dead. Oh, oh, Holy Spirit. We love You. Oh.”

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...