Monday, November 29, 2010

There are times when the issues of the human heart transcend all denominational boundaries and cause us to come together, united in the Blood shed at the cross of Christ. Some needs are taller than the walls of comfort and carnality we erect to shut ourselves in or others out. Some times require the kind of unity that only great anguish or great joy can bring. This is such a time. Cry out! Call out to Him who has overcome the flesh, who looks beyond all fleshly boundaries to the heart. Cry out and do not cease until His mighty hand and heart are moved on our behalf. It won’t be long.

Should we choose to love than that choice mandates that we put hands and feet to that most worthy of goals. Lifestyle as well as words, together add up to something tangible, taken from our spirits and presented in the flesh. Those who are spiritually deaf and blind could not know it’s reality otherwise. We must unite for this common cause – reaching souls for Christ, not for ourselves but for His great Name’s sake, wooing souls for His Kingdom, not one of our own devising. Let us love Him by loving one another, esteeming each other more highly than ourselves. May His death not be in vain! For God so loved the world that He continues to send His Son through us! We are the salt of the earth! Let us fall on the Rock and be broken. Let the only bond we submit to be that of Love. Let us discern the whole Body, wherever we are found, whatever name lies upon the door of our sanctuary. The only label we will put on one another is “Brother” and “Sister”.

This is indeed the time for the saints of God to arise in perfect unity achievable only when the Holy Spirit is given His proper place. Holy Spirit, we honour you, we love you and welcome you this day. Have your way with us for only you can lead us to the Father, reveal to us the Son, and plant in us the fruit that will cause us to win the day! Now we will quit ourselves like men. Now we will fully submit to your desire that we be one as you are one. Now we will see the reality that we are One Body, One Spirit, with One Hope and One Lord. One Faith and one Baptism. One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. Amen.

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...