Thursday, June 30, 2011


Oh your heart was designed by Me
to love Me faithfully
any other destiny
will end in tragedy

So surrender now      and love Me
     surrender your heart to       Me
     find out how much I love you
     when you give the love that's due Me

Precious,     you're so precious
I know every hair on your head
You are so lovely
so remember what I said
Cast your cares upon Me
for I love you,                      faithfully...

T shirt idea: Jesus loves you
                   Love Him back

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Some of my favorite songs

Just thought I'd do something different and share some of my favorite songs.
For instance, I really like that one from the movie Titanic, you know, the one by Celine Dion - "My chambered muscle organ which maintains vertebrate circulation will go on".

I also like the theme to "Chariots of a persistent chemical reaction which combusts to exo-thermically release heat and light" by Vangeliss.

Also, I've always thought the Debbie Boone smash hit "You provide electromagnetic radiation of a wave length visible to the human eye for my life" is a beautiful song.

Let me know of some of your favorite songs in the comment section. Chris

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Story of Glory

God took the best of man
and put it in woman
He took our Glory
cause He knew what He was doin'
The only way we can get it back
is in a marriage - that's a fact.

Our Glory took on bodily form
like God's Glory did when man was born
So when we love and protect that woman of ours
We're really cherishing the Glory of we ourselves

So darling, you are the best of me
you are the rest of me...
God's done an amazing feat
cause with you I am complete.

Monday, June 27, 2011


Imagine yourself hanging from a cliff - your arms and shoulders just over the edge, the rest of your body dangling down. You try with all your might to pull yourself up but you just can't, the strength isn't there. Slowly, you feel yourself slipping inexorably down - you panic, your hands sweat, and you slip a bit further - your feet scramble for a foothold, desperately, but there is none.

Now imagine you are dangling over Hell. You hear the tormented cries of the damned. You smell the stench. You feel the heat. Your strength continues to wane. You just can't hold on, your muscles ache. You begin to shake with the strain. Then the inevitable moment comes and you slip over the edge but as you do, a strong hand reaches out, firmly grasping you and yanking you to solid ground. You notice the hand has a scar on it. You notice the strength of the arm that's delivered you. You lie on you back, sobbing, and look  up into his face; the face of your saviour. He is so beautiful it takes your breath away - so beautiful you forget the Hell you were so close to moments ago. Now you cry tears of joy. His face is full of love and compassion and mercy. As glad as you are to be rescued - he is just as glad to have rescued you.

The cliff is your brief mortal life. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, you will age, you will grow weaker and weaker till you can't hold out and you will breathe your final breath. At that moment you will slip into Hell or strong arms will lift you into Heaven. The choice is yours. He wants to save you, he's done all he can to save you, yet you must accept his help, you must open your heart to him, you must not rely on your own strength or wisdom or any other philosophy or source for strength and deliverance. Only Jesus can save you. He is the only one appointed by the Father to do so. He is the only one who has the authority and strength to do it. Only his blood can wash away the filth of your sin. Only he can rescue you from Hell, from an eternity without him. Choose wisely...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The brightness of your Glory
is outshining everyone else's story
And so
I gladly at this moment start
to bend to you the knee of my heart
And as I do, I confess
I hate even the clothing stained by corrupt flesh
While I come out of Babylon
I won't take Babylon out with me
but leave all her whorish, wicked ways
in the lake of torment so fiery
Thank you Lord for Mercy...

"It's never wrong to do what's right and it's never right to do what's wrong"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I saw this bird sittin' at the top of this tree
bein' just as grand as he could be
and he was totally ignorin' me

He had far more interest
in stickin' out his chest
and warbling as loud as he could -
"Hey world - God is Good!"

He didn't care who saw or who heard
and I thought
                     I should be more like that bird
There's times when I should just shout out loud
"My God is great in the the earth and the clouds"
"I can't keep quiet, I just can't shut up
be offended or join me             but
I'll praise Him no matter what"...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What Pappy said

Here, I tried my hand at writing a country song -

My pappy was a man
who made me understand
ya gotta work hard
and ya gotta have a plan
He didn't hesitate to give me advice
to help me make it through this life,
he'd say -
                               Save a little each week for a rainy day
                               and don't you forget to take some time to play
                               never regret it when you give your best try
                               and may your corn be knee high by the 4th of July!

Bridge -
                  Yea, my daddy he knew
                   bout a thing or two
                  He never missed a day
                   workin' that Alabama clay
                  but the thing he made sure we always had enough of
                  was our hearts filled up with a daddy's love

Yea, ya gotta work hard and ya gotta have a plan
Ya treat your woman right and she'll stand by her man
Give God his due and respect the Good Book
and always make sure the right bait's on the hook!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Can I have my rib back?

Lord, I don't mind the woman you gave me
but there are times she's drivin' me crazy
Once in awhile, mind you not all the time
I'd like you to honor this request of mine -
Don't mean to sound like a sad sack
but Lord, could I please have my rib back?

I could do without the nagging and tongue wagging
the jumpin' my case, gettin' in my face,
constant scrutiny - tryin' to measure up to her standard for me -
When things get too far out of whack -
Lord, I'd just like to get my rib back!

Remember how it was?
Just the two of us?
Just the guys hangin' - we never made a fuss!
Just once in awhile I'd like to take this tack -
Lord, can I please have my rib back?

Author's note:  Just a bit os whimsical humor, of course, I really don't want my rib back, do I?

Monday, June 20, 2011

True riches

He wipes a drop of sweat from his brow
and thinks, "anyhow,
what I'm goin' through
is nothin', Lord, compared to you"
He lifts the bale
calloused hands tell the tale
a life of sweat
and what does he get?
A passerby's smirk and stare
"Hey jerk why should I care?"
He tried to be brave
but he still ended up in an early grave

Then the One with the nail scarred hands,
patiently waiting to greet the man
"Every drop of sweat, every tear,
I noticed them all here
Come in son, your reward is great
don't hesitate -
all you've dreamed of is now your fate
Riches? Ah they're here
but what are riches really
but a place without tears?"

Friday, June 17, 2011

A few thoughts

Today, I thought it would be nice to share a few thoughts. There, I've shared one already. I guess, on one level, every time I write I'm sharing a few thoughts, since all written words originate in someone's mind. So, I guess the distinction between today's blog and most others is that it isn't in the form of a poem or a pre written essay.
The other day, I asked the Lord what he meant when he said if we give a cup of cold water to a prophet or a righteous man, we will not lose our reward. I've never fully understood these scriptures but thankfully I know the one who does. Isn't that true of any questions we might have in life? Really is there any question the Lord can't answer? Anyway, he explained to me that he was telling us to give respect and honor to the prophetic ministry, to those he has called to be prophets and also to respect and honor righteousness and to take both prophecy and righteousness seriously. Do not despise prophecies and do not hate those who walk in righteousness (not self righteousness or haughtiness but in the righteousness that only comes from Jesus himself, through his shed blood). If we accept and bless the prophets and may I say apostles in our midst, if we care for them and if we rejoice in and bless those who are righteous, our reward in Heaven will remain. If we do not then we are in danger of losing whatever treasure we have laid up in Heaven. Wow! That's quite a thought considering I know of so many churches that despise and reject prophets and prophecy. And they reject true righteousness too but cling to the righteousness that comes from man, they are content to have their church leadership declare they are in good standing with God because they do whatever their leadership tells them. They really think showing up at every service and dutifully singing and sitting  constitutes righteousness. Yet they give no respect or honor to truly righteous ones or prophets when they show up in their midst. As if the "service" was theirs to lord over! As if they have the right to decide who ministers what during the "sevice". As if the Holy Spirit isn't the one who should be leading every gathering of believers anywhere on earth they take place...

Speaking of honouring prophets, if you have any respect for me at all, if you've been edified and nourished by these blogs, then please follow the following advice - Go to Itunes if you have an account with them, and buy the album "More than the Watchman" by Marty Goetz. Marty is a jewish believer like myself and let me tell you, he penned and performs on this album some of the most anointed songs ever written, and that includes the songs King David wrote. Really, any album by Marty is worth buying but especially this one and "I call you friend". I rarely give advice of this nature (perhaps I should more often) so when I do, you would do well to heed it. If you don't have ITunes then google "Marty Goetz" and go to his website and order the disc. You can go ahead and thank me later, yes, send me a note telling me how grateful you are that I turned you on to these songs. You will be caught up in the wonderful presence of  the Lord as you listen, for the songs are full of the Holy Spirit who inspired them. How's that for a review? God Bless, Chris Waxman

Thursday, June 16, 2011

For my daughters - Tiffany and Karianna

Be courteous, be polite
Try always to do what's right
Be as nice as you can be
And you will reap what you sow, eventually.

Treat others the way you'd like them to treat you
and soon you'll find, most of the time
they'll treat you with kindness too.

But some people have hearts that are dead
It's these you must work extra hard to be nice to
Because no matter what they've done or said
Jesus died for them like he died for you
They especially need your example to follow
or your words will end up sounding hollow.

So be slow to anger, slow to speak
Choose your words quite carefully
For God hears them all
Out of love you must often turn the other cheek
Give them forgiveness when forgiveness they seek
If you stumble just get back up when you fall
Yes forgive all who sin against you
so your Heavenly Father may forgive you, too.....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Beggar

Each of us is like the beggar,
sitting outside the rich man's gate
Helpless to feed ouselves,
unable to change our fate.
But if we choose to sit outside the gate of the King of Kings

We'll not be denied
                                       a place inside
but we'll be invited in...
Because our God cares for
the lonely and the poor
and he demands that we care for them too
For truthfully my friend, compared to Heaven's store
we are all beggars,             destitute
Our only position can be
to approach God on our knees
begging "Oh Lord please,  have mercy on me"

And when all us Mephibosheth's have fed at his table and are satisfied
We should listen carefully for other beggar's cries
and invite them too,          inside

Yes, when we   "love one another"
we're simply caring for each poor sister and brother
So share my feast
with the very least
with the thirsty and the hungry,
sell all you have, give to the poor, then come, follow Me...

Yes, we're all beggars, all of us, starving for love
the kind we can only find
in our precious, sweet God above
Now found in our hearts below
so let his love flow
freely let it go
so all in this sick world may know
the King of Love, loves them so.....

Authors note: Truly, we must first give up all attachments and all desire for the things of this world before we can follow Christ. Jesus wasn't being mean to the rich young ruler, he was being practical and truthful. We can't love both God and mammon. We can't set our heart on things above and on things below. If we do, our house (soul) will be divided and it cannot then stand....our foundation is faulty and we will fall...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Machine

The machine gleamed brightly in the sun
intricate, parts pieced together one by one
Wondrous to behold, the like he'd never seen
was this massive, complicated machine

And the Lord spoke
And the Lord said,
"This machine will teach you to follow me with your head.
It will teach you the ways of man, not mine.
It will rob you of your life, of your time.
And it will lead you in the end
to the home of the dead,
for it represents Religion-
man's attempts to prove he can live without me.
Using my name without a relationship
not honoring me with their hearts, just their lips.
Religion appears so wise and wonderful and well
but in the end will lead you to Hell".

He said
Lord,           I understand
Religion - it comes from man

Then he bowed his head
             and quite calmly
                         let the machine swallow him...

Monday, June 13, 2011

My people, tis the time for lamenting

For rending your hearts

For crying out, for repenting

No longer should you be consenting

To follow the ways of this wicked world

Religion comes from the flesh

and produces ungodliness and death

and promotes pride,

a form of godliness with no impact inside

No longer will I pass by

For your uncleanness is in your skirts

You do not tend to each other's hurts

You wound and kill as you betray and hate

And you will not submit to my Holy mandate -

"Love one another"

It's simple, it's true

But you cannot love your brother or sister who

Attend another church

Is there such a thing?

Oh my people, how can these things be?

Only because you've quit following Me...

With love,

 Christopher Michael Waxman

Friday, June 10, 2011

Lamentations part five

I can't stand another service where they sing as if all is well, where they sing happy songs for a victorious people. "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there, they that carried us away captive required of us a song and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying - sing us one of the songs of Zion. HOW SHALL WE SING THE LORD's SONG IN A STRANGE LAND?" (Ps:137). I can't do it anymore. I can't sing
songs of mirth while I'm surrounded by Babylon, I can't pretend everything's fine, even if it is well with my soul, I can't stand by and watch my people in bondage to Babylon, in religious bondage, void of God's presence and power and act as if it's ok. They call it faith, they say Praise the Lord no matter what, well I say, be honest with the Lord and if you're grieving, let him know. He is too. I'm sitting down and I'm weeping, my heart is breaking for the captivity of the daughter of my people. "The joy of our heart is ceased; our dance is turned into mourning. The crown is fallen from our head: woe unto us that we have sinned! For this our heart is faint"(Lam:5:15-17).

I know that the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing unto Zion and everlasting Joy shall be upon their heads. I know we will obtain gladness and joy and mourning and sorrow will flee away. When I look upon His glorious face, when I am embraced, forever, every tear shall be wiped away but this scripture is saying we shall return, meaning, like Israel, we've left our first love, we've gone a whoring after other gods, we've abandoned the city of our youth and gone into captivity, strangers in a strange land. But I know the One who can set the captives free. I know the One who can deliver us and who will never leave us or forsake us and He will see us through to the end. His return is soon but not yet.

 Please, mourn with me as I mourn the true condition of christianity today. I mourn not from a position of
lack of faith in our God and who He is. I fully trust in His greatness and glory and power but rather I do it to join Him in the fellowship of his suffering for one of the only thing that can cause him suffering today is when he sees his people choose a path of destruction instead of the path of Life. When he sees his people choose bondage instead of freedom, when they deny Him his rightful place in their hearts, this alone hurts him most.

I mourn the passing of so many souls into Hell and I grieve over the stubbornness and obstinacy of so many who refuse him as their husband and eternal lover. I grieve for the queen Vashti's of our day, who refuse to come to Him, when their husband and king calls, for the result of this will be banishment from the king's presence forever. "That Vashti come no more before king Ahasuerus and let the king give her royal estate unto another that is better than she" (Est:1:19). Don't let this be said of you! Don't refuse to come into his presence when he beckons you! Don't refuse him intimacy, the purpose of every bride, or your royal estate, your inheritance in God's eternal kingdom of Glory, will be given to another that is better than you. The greatest sin you can commit, the one that will keep you from him forever, is to deny him your heart. If you keep your heart open and available to him, no matter how grievous the sin you commit, it will be forgiven. Come to him even now as he calls you, come to your husband and king, come with all your shame and imperfection and sin, come and be cleansed and renewed and restored.

I"ve saved the best for last, for right in the middle of all this lamenting, our great God has the prophet pen these words -"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul, therefore will I hope in Him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. How often have I sat alone and kept silent yet the Lord will not cast off forever. But though he cause grief yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his tender mercies. For he does not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men, to crush under his feet the prisoners of the earth", (those bound by flesh, by fleshly prisons, unable to sore in the Spirit).

No, his desire is to crush Satan under our feet, "to turn aside the right of a man before the face of the most High does not please him". No, He does not afflict us, it is our own sins that cause us to be afflicted. He does not delight in our bondage and affliction because of our rebelliousness, he grieves over every soul in Hell. "If my people will turn from their wicked ways, I will turn and heal". What wicked ways? The ways of religion, the way of denominational Christianity, that has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof. It's time to stop the endless madness we call "having church". I"m reminded of a quote from Moby Dick "I see madmen begetting other madmen". It's time to turn from the insanity to Him who says "Come, let us reason together". It's time to "buy of me gold tried in the fire (of afflictions), that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thy eyes with eye salve that thou mayest see".

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lamentations part four

"The kings of the earth and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem"(4:12). Really, it is hard to believe that the enemy has entered into God's people and done such harm, such massive deception. Rather than God's people entering the gates of Hell, Hell has been entering our gates! God, oh God save us! We need you Jesus (The Lord saves)! Deliver us from the sins of our (false) prophets and the iniquities of our priests (pastors) (vs. 13). "They have wandered as blind men, they have polluted themselves" (4:13) is an apt description of much of "christianity" today. "The anger of the Lord has divided them; he will no more regard them: they respected not the persons of the priests, they favored not the elders". How many churches "respect not the priests" that are among them, the saints who sit week after weak in their pews and rot. How often have I seen elders in congregations never recognized or honored as elders? I've seen people honored as elders because they have money. How many in leadership today shouldn't be? How many who are not, should be? "As for us in our watching we have watched for a nation that could not save us" (4:17). Over the years, I've heard various teachings trying to reveal the USA in scripture but this is the first time I've heard the Holy Spirit say it. So many are watching us, are looking to us to save them but we cannot. Israel should not look to us to save her for we cannot. We as Americans should not look to ourselves, our own nation to save us for we cannot. Especially do not look to Obama to save, for he is a disciple of the anti-christ spirit of this age.                                                                                                                                                                           From whence comes our help?"Our soul waiteth for the Lord: He is our help and our shield"(Ps:32:20). "But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer, make no tarrying, O my God"(Ps:40:17&70:5). "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble"(Ps:46:1). "Give us help from trouble; for vain is the help of man. Through God we shall do valiantly"(Ps:60:11&12,108:12). "Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?
Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence. When I said, my foot slippeth; thy Mercy O Lord held me up. In my multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul"(Ps:94). "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth"(Ps:121:1&2) "Our help is in the name of the Lord"(Ps:124:8) "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help"(Ps:146:3). "O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself, but in Me is thine help. I will be thy king"(Ho:13:9).

Say this with me -  "Our fathers have sinned and are not; and we have born their iniquities"(Lam:5:7). As I said in a previous epistle, we often have to fight battles with enemies our parents should have defeated. This battle is ours to win but we must fight the good fight of faith, we can no longer sit and hear how victorious we are,how mighty our God is, yet never DO anything. "Servants have ruled over us"(5:8). All leadership in the Body, but especially pastors, for they are the most common, should be serving us but instead they often lord over us - "And whoever will be chief among you let him be your servant" "But he that shall be greatest among you shall be your servant". I don't know about you but most of the churches I've attended demand that you become their servant and they'll tell you that this is God's way of building godly character in you. They don't display this themselves but expect you to. Oh they'll tell you they paid their dues to get where they are and if you'll just spend some time (years, usually), scrubbing toilets and ushering, God will one day reward you. But you know what, if you go back to those churches after five or ten years, the same ones are ushering etc. and have never been recognized and given place to do anything spiritual, to minister in any meaningful way, unless you count children's church. Normally, the only way you can fulfill the call of God on your life in a place like that is to leave. These churches exist to provide the Pastor with a platform to teach and preach and minister, they do not desire to share the platform with anyone God calls. They'll have a visitor come in and occasionally someone from the congregation can minister once in awhile but they will never step back and let
the Holy Spirit choose whomever He will to minister. "There is none that deliver us out of their hand" (5:8). Where are the apostles and prophets who will deliver the church out of the hand of the current pastoral system stemming from religious Christianity? Who will stand up and provide apostolic and prophetic revelation and authority, accurately depicting God's mind and heart, piercing the veil of deception Satan has woven in the minds and hearts of men? Who will stand and declare the Truth, even if it means their death?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lamentations part three

Today, God has despised in the indignation of his anger the king and the priest (Lam:2:6). So many today claim they are among His royal priesthood but can't tell they are displeasing to Him. They say "I am rich and increased with goods", they are fixated on worldly wealth and possessions, on money, they proudly call all this "prosperity". They say they "have need of nothing" while all the while they "know not they are wretched and miserable and POOR and blind and naked"(Rev:3:17). Jesus goes on to describe true riches, which have nothing to do with what man values in this world. Oh my people, let us see with God's eyes! "The Lord has cast off his altar, he has abhorred his sanctuary. What shall I say to witness for thee? What thing shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem?" "daughter of Jerusalem" refers to the Church. "Thy breach is great, like the sea, who can heal thee?"."Thy prophets (here I say, also pastors and teachers) have seen (and taught) vain and foolish things for thee: and they have not discovered thine iniquity, to turn away thy captivity"(2:14). How true this is today! So many are declaring peace, peace (with God) when there is no peace. So many are seeing and teaching vain and foolish things that profit not, telling us all is well when sudden destruction is eminent! Know you not that 911 was a prophetic warning to America? God was saying to us, through the twin towers, I can take that which is high and mighty, those who are lifted up high in pride and I can abase them in a moment, in a blink of an eye. Christianity, as we know it today, has made a mockery of God. "All that pass by clap their hands at thee; they hiss and wag their head at the daughter of Jerusalem, saying, Is this the city that men call the perfection of beauty, the joy of the whole earth?"(2:15). The world inherently knows something the dead, religious churches can't see - they no more represent the true, living, all powerful, all knowing God of Love in the earth than does a flea. They honor Him in name only, with their lips but their hearts are far from Him.

"Let us search and try our ways and turn again to the Lord. Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens". Let us say to God now - "We have transgressed and have rebelled: thou hast not pardoned". (Lam:3:40-42). Precious saint, He may have pardoned your individual sin but stop seeing only yourself and start seeing yourself as a part of a whole "tho we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another"(Rom:12:5). Think globally, think of all who name the name of Christ (Jesus) and weep for "the destruction of the daughter of my people" (Lam:3:48). The "daughter of my people" is us, the Church, for we sprang from the loins of Israel "Salvation is of the Jews". Their casting away was the reconciling of the world! We are Ruth and Israel is our mother-in-law! We've been made a part of Israel for ever by marriage! In the wonderful story of Ruth, Boaz represents Jesus. "How is the gold become dim! How is the most fine gold changed!" (4:1). The gold that is our faith, the gold that God will try with fire to remove the dross, the unbelief and doubt, our precious faith, how dim it's become! When Jesus returns, will he find true faith on the earth? (not the false kind most churches teach, wherein you can deny God's presence and power in your life, sit in a pew your whole life and never accomplish a single iota of God's will, and be told you've kept the faith). How have we become dim! The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers (4:2). We are meant by God to shine as a city on a hill, to destroy the works of the devil, to do mighty exploits, to raise the dead, heal the sick, prophecy and purge this earth of every last bit of Satan's influence on it yet look at them impact the sons of God have in any given city. Virtually nil, because they are following the spirit of religion, not God's Spirit!Every ungodly and wicked thing in our foundation will be plucked up and destroyed "The Lord has kindled a fire in Zion and it has devoured the foundations thereof"(Lam:4:11).

Here is yet another reference to fire! The foundation of religious "Christianity", that so many are standing on today, is being destroyed by the Lord, thank God. Open our eyes to see, Lord, it's often you who are resisting us and not the enemy. As long as people obey Satan he is for them, not against them. This is one of his tactics, he offers peace to those who surrender to him.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Lamentations part two

Soon, very soon God will destroy His places of the assembly-(2:6) "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God"(1 Pet:4:17). "Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven; that that which remains is of Christ alone". The judgment of fire is upon us! "But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men" (2 Pet:3:7). We are in this "day of judgment" so well chronicled in scripture. I believe this is the true cause of global warming, a reflection in the natural of a spiritual reality. As it did on Sodom and Gomorrah, the fire of God will fall on this earth, consuming all wickedness and rebellion against Him and "every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day (of judgment of our God) shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall reveal every man's work of what sort it is" (1 Cor:3:13). "He poured out his fury like fire"(Lam:2:4).My people, the only way to survive this fire is to already be in it! You must join Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in having the honor of being despised and rejected of men and letting man throw you into the fire made by men, to survive the fire of God.

The fire man casts you into is nothing compared to the fire God will cast them into for Eternity, for in the fire they put you in, the Lord is found! Jesus is the "stone which the builders rejected", those who built the temple made with hands (men who are claiming to build, to do a work for God, for His Glory),  reject Him who is the chief corner stone of the temple made without hands. Of Himself, Jesus said he must "suffer many things and be rejected of this generation" - and so today, He is still suffering at the hands of ungodly men as each of us, his true Body, are treated the same way. Yet for all this He calls us blessed - "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall
revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake" (Mt:5). Wrap your heart around this fact - you're going to go through fire!

You'd much rather have man cast you into fire than God (remember, the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity, and is set on fire of hell, so the fire they cast us into is the one Jesus spoke of when he said they shall say all manner of evil against us). If you try to preserve your life and avoid this fire by obeying man and not God, by bowing to that which man creates (denominationalism) and demands you submit to, you will lose your life.
If you refuse to bow to Babylon, with it's exaltation of man (Satan's fruit), with it's adulterous, idolatrous ways, you will save your life. When the fire of God falls, let it find you already consumed by it "He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire" (Lk:3:16).

When my house burnt down with most of my possessions, the next day I went and stood in the midst of all that devastation and destruction and the Word of the Lord came to me. As I gazed upon the blackened, soot filled room, covered in ashes, He said "everything that is not given to Me will end up in a tragedy". He then opened my eyes and explained to me, we are all going to be consumed forever by fire - either the fire of the
Holy Ghost or the lake of fire, forever we will either dwell in Holiness or wickedness. The only question is, which one? The fire of the HOLY Ghost, that cleanses us of all that is unholy or unclean, or the fire of hell, that removes all that is Holy and good from us?
As I stood there, He showed me in my spirit, a tiger hunt from India and He told me, if we submit to His fire, it will drive our enemies out of our souls and spirits for they can't abide in it. Anything unclean and unholy in us will flee before His Holy fire (in India, they will light fires to flush the man-eating tiger, their enemy, out).
He then showed me a fire purposely lit in a forest to combat another fire. A controlled fire to fight a wild fire. They will light a fire to burn a patch of ground so when the other fire comes, there is nothing left to burn and it dies. So it is with us. If we will give up ground (our flesh, fleshly lusts and desires) to God and let Him burn
away all that is unclean in us, when the enemy comes to set us on fire of hell, He can't touch us for there's nothing left in us for him to consume! Like Jesus, we'll say "the prince of the world cometh, and hath nothing in me". The more of our soul we give to God, the less of us Satan can influence and posses.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lamentations part one

Dear Saints, please take the time to read this -

As I've been pondering in my heart the latest revelations the Holy Spirit has been sharing with me, The Two Temples and A Tale of Two Kings, I've been struck by the fact that it all forms a seamless tapestry of revelation, continuing and enhancing what He started with my book "Freedom from Babylon". It's all really one unending message, it all ties together and it is the central theme of all scripture.
My people, if you will shut out the incessant, insistent noise of this world, the constant talk, talk, talk of the radio, movies and especially television, if you'll cleanse yourself from all of this, you can hear his still small voice.
As I ponder what He's saying, as He shares His heart with me, I am led into Lamentations and I am told that we should all be in a season of sorrow, a season of lamenting the condition of God's people, or of those who call themselves His people. This is not a time to eat, drink and be merry, it's not a time to gather in our services and sing and carry on as if nothing's wrong, no, it's a time to cry out to Him who alone can make us whole, who asks each one of us today - Will you be made whole? It's a time to grieve for the many who are deceived in Matthew 24. It's a time to put on sackcloth and ashes. "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the Heaven, A time to weep and a time to mourn".(Eccl: 3) Our hearts should be breaking for the many on the wide path of destruction. Our souls should ache to see them free of the strong
delusion they walk in. From Lamentations, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches - "How does the city sit solitary that was full of people? (1:1), Her children are gone into captivity before the enemy.(1:5).
Why should we cry out? Why should we sorrow? Jerusalem has grievously sinned; therefore she is removed: all that honored her despise her because they have seen her nakedness: yea, she sigheth, and turneth backward." (1:8&9). She's backslid. Her filthiness is in her skirts. But Chris, this is about Israel, not us, the Church! Saints you are Israel in the sight of God, spiritual Israel. You are as much the seed of Abraham as natural Israel for he is the father of them and of all who walk in faith. You have'nt replaced the Jewish people, you've joined them in their covenant with the everlasting God. They are your past, you are their future. Listen, be not high minded but fear: for if God spared not the natural branches (the Jews represent God's relationship with mankind in the natural) take heed lest He also spare not thee- (Rom: 11). Israel is a perfect type and foreshadow of the Church, every sin they ever committed
has been committed by the Church, including the rejection of Jesus. They are an example for us, a warning. Look hard, with eyes wide open, look with your heart, look at the religion called Christianity and see what a wicked trap and pitfall Satan has designed to blind many, many as they go to Hell.
"Is it nothing to you, all you that pass by?"(1:12). Is it nothing that so many have come in His Name and deceived many? Will no one weep for the many who become offended, who betray one another, who hate one another? "Is it nothing to you?" "For these things I weep because the comforter that should relieve my soul is far from me; my children are desolate because the enemy has prevailed"(1:16).
I ask you, are we living in Revelation 13:7? I know we will do mighty exploits, I know that ultimately none of us can be defeated who remain faithful to the end but Saint, there are seasons of travail brought upon us by the Holy Spirit, who Himself grieves over the sinful, hardened hearts of His people. If you are part of the false, religious form of Christianity so many tenaciously cling to today, which stands in
opposition to God as a modern day tower of Babel, then weep for your own soul. If you are one that God has freed from this Satanic deception, from following Satan disguised as Christ, then weep for the souls of others caught up in the greatest lie ever told, namely "We shall be as gods" BY DISOBEYING GOD! BY DISHONORING HIS WORD! Truly we are as gods but only by obeying Him and submitting to Him. We are His sons and daughters who receive Him and make room for Him in our hearts, who lay down before Him humbly, seeking His Grace and Mercy and who do His Word, who say "Thy will be done in earth (in my flesh, in my life) as it's done in Heaven".

 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...