Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Treatise on Church Growth part fourteen

One change we will see will be emergence of the true Body of Christ on earth led by the Holy Spirit alone. We will no longer see a Greek-Hedonistic style of meeting but a Jewish-Hebraic model. The Greeks eventually came to worship knowledge for knowledge's sake. They became passive observers of life and not participants. In Jewish thinking, you are a vital member of your family and have somthing important to contribute, something we all need. Many churches today have their very foundations laid in worldly patterns of fellowship and behaviour and this will change. We must all become doers of the Word and not hearers only. We must learn how to interact with the Body during meetings in a healthy way. We must learn to submit so completely to the Holy Spirit that he may flow as freely through us as he did Jesus. Leadership must allow us to minister in the power of His might, by His Spirit. This was Jesus' goal for his disciples and it should be ours also. HE DID NOT WANT TO KEEP HIS DISCIPLES BY HIS SIDE BUT HIS DESIRE AND GOAL WAS TO SEND THEM. Unless the Lord builds the house, church, denomination, they that labor, labor in vain. Indeed, unless the Lord conceives the child, they that labor, labor in vain. How many churches are built on sand? How many are not keeping his commands? Take this simple one for example - how many are washing one another's feet? How many are inviting the poor to their church suppers, to their love feasts? The Lord's simplest instrucions are often ignored in most fellowships because they are not following him but rather men. Most simply do not know how to follow him. When he called his apostles, he bid them to "come and follow Me". In other words, quit following men, the pharisees, the sadducees or whoever else has said they represent me. He led them away from all that is of man. He led them away from the religious system of his day. He was branded a rebel as a result and all they could do was desire and plot his death. There was no love in them for their father was the devil and he is the same one to spawn denominations on earth today. They too, like the pharisees, will not follow Jesus but despise him and all who are his. They too seek to kill him, to destroy all who are of him, all who are free and flowing like the wind, which cannot be controlled by them. Like the pharisees, they use the word of God to legitimize all they do and say. They are puffed up with pride and look good outwardly but inwardly are a brood of vipers. In other words, follow them and you will be poisoned over time, with their lies and deciets till you can't tell the truth apart from their lies. Oh sure, everything will appear outwardly to be godly, but it will be a form of godliness they have devised and it is outward only. Inwardly they are denying the power of God to transform them into his image. Their churches are void of the presence of God. The Holy Spirit is shunned and not welcome, though their songs say differently. He will still, out of intense love for them, show up when and where he can in their services but he is not condoning them by doing so, he is not giving them his stamp of approval, rather he is trying to save them from themselves. I have seen for myself how sick God is of Babylon on earth today and I can assure you, he is not sitting idly by  while the churches remain in bondage to Babylon. The church is not Babylon but the denominational churches are in bondage in Babylon. Few are the Daniels who are thriving there. Soon, we will see a mass exodus from Babylon, I pray, I fervently hope. Soon, millions will awaken to the truth that they have been captives to religion their entire spiritual lives but they will clearly see the path to freedom for that path is the truth, the truth presented in this blog, the truth the Holy Spirit is speaking to any one who will listen. Do you, dear reader, have ears to hear?

to be continued.....

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 Question: Why don't we see miracles, signs and wonders in (most) present day churches?  Answer:  Because they don't believe in them...